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(1918) With: Jesse W. Brooks - Tema: Russia
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Eev. A. B. Winchester 37
He had gotten tired, he had gotten weary, he was not able to finish
in the same way he began; and so it is with a great many of the
things men undertake. I am always afraid of the launching of a
great movement, when I see something of man thrust forth, and we
say, "Oh, there is a Christian man, and there is a great man,—and the
thing is going." I am always afraid. "Have you not known, have
you not heard that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the
earth fainteth not, neither is weary?" In that fortieth chapter of
Isaiah, three times the words "faint" and "weary" are brought into
marvelous juxtaposition. The first time it is declared that God never
gets weary, never is faint. The second time, the youths, even the
youths,—and the term is a military one,—the picked men of a regi-
ment, the men who have resistance, the men whose step is as elastic
as that of the deer, the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young
men shall utterly fall. But then in the last verse it says, "But they
that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength." They shall ex-
change their strength—the earthly for the heavenly, the human for
the divine, weakness for power. They shall exchange their strength.
And what happens? Then the wearied and fainting man shall be
possessed of the unweariedness and unfaintingness of God.
The Need of Divine Power
This movement or any movement in which any of us may be en-
gaged will utterly fail, if self come in; and that is what these prayer
services are for. Unless we get the power of God, we shall all be
failures. Three times our Lord uses the words, "I will"; and in these
three times there is a revelation of Himself not only, but of His pur-
pose for us. We are weak not only but we are powerless for service.
We need to know Him whose we are and whom we serve. We need
to know Him. So He says in Matthew 8:3 to the poor leper who came
saying, "If thou wilt, thou canst make me clean,"
—"I will, be thou
clean." beloved, anyone that will be used of God for His service
must hear the "I will, be thou clean." Be ye clean, ye that bear the
vessels of the Lord. He will not use a filthy or unclean vessel. We
must be cleansed. There is no use talking about plans until we come
again to Him to be washed as to our feet. I am speaking to regener-
ated people. I suppose I have no others here. I hope that every one
of us is surely sheltered under the blood, quickened by the Holy Ghost,
and therefore to you I say, we need to be washed as to our feet. Of
course we all know that. That is so trite that it seems almost as if
it required an apology for mentioning it. Is it? I don’t know anything
that needs to be spoken more, I don’t know anything I need to hear
day by day, anything that the best of those who live closest to the

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