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the Potuan Empire, and the
Reception he met with from
Chap. V. The Nature of
the Country, the Genius and
Manners of the People.
Chap. VI. Of the Reli-
gion of the Potuan Nation.
Chap. VII. Of their Po-
Chap. VIII. Of the Ac-
ademy, their Exercises, Man-
ner of Promotion, Admi-
nistring, Justice, etc.
LONDON: | Printed for T. ASTLEY, in Pater Noster Row; |
Messrs. RIVINGTON, in St. Paul’s | Church-Yard; and B. COL-
LINS, Book- I selier, in SALISBURY. | MDCCXLVI. | 8vo.
Det er Titeloplag af Udgaven 1742; kun Titelbladet er nyt.
Den til Slutning vedføjede Boghandlerannonce fra Thomas Ast-
ley er udeladt.
Et Exemplar af denne Udgave findes i Universitetsbiblioteket
i Oslo.
Et Exemplar af denne Udg. solgtes 1898 paa Lynges Auktion
for 15,50.
A I JOURNEY I TO THE | World Under-Ground. | BY |
NICHOLAS KLIMIUS | Translated from the ORIGINAL. | The
SECOND EDITION. | (Samme Vignet som Slutningsvignetten
S. 324 i Udg. 1742). | LONDON: | Printed for R. BALDWIN,
Jun. at the Rose | in Pater-Noster-Row; and B. COLLINS, |
Bookseller, in Salisbury. | MDCCXLIX. | 8v°.
Det er Titeloplag af Udgaven 1742; kun Titelbladet er nyt.
Den til Slutning vedføjede Boghandlerannonce fra Thomas Ast-
ley er selvfølgelig udeladt.
Et Exemplar i det kgl. Bibliotek.
A I JOURNEY I TO THE | World Under-Ground. | BY |
NICHOLAS KLIMIUS. | Translated from the ORIGINAL. | (For-
skellig Blomsterkurvsvignet). | A NEW EDITION. | LONDON: j
Chap. XIII. The Rise
of the fifth Monarchy.
Chap. XIV. The Au-
thor is elevated to the Im-
perial Dignity.
Chap. XV. The Catas-
Chap. XVI. The Au-
thor’s Return into his own
Country, and his being taken
for the Wandering Jew etc.
ABELINE’s Appendix.
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