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between his teeth. ":No title–ahem! #vhat kind of man can
that be ? even his naine is so little known, that I hardly know
whether his naine is entered into the matricle of nobflity, and
even if that were the case, he ai least does not enjoy much dis-
tinction af present. But where the devil have I heard that
naine before ? If is in my headwbut if is hardly possible. I
bave never known any body with tlmt naine."
Oppressed with these thoughts, the lieutenant-colonel went
fo consult his wife’s memory. But Ameli#’s voice, "0 God,
there cornes father again–shall we hot have a moment fo our-
selves to put the state-room in order #" caused him fo go back,
and wait for the ladies on deck. There sat the man without
"title," on a sofa in thc corner. On one side his son, and upon
the other his dog, upon his lap ]ay a book.
"Well, that is excellent#just as though if had been ordered,"
thought the lieutenant-colonel, and approached bim with a polite
good-morning. "If seems to me that we may be sure of a fine
day to-day."
"It looks so," replied the stranger, in whom our reader bas
undoubtedly recognised our old acquaintance the skjuts-boy of
Swarteborg, of whose adventures during the interval we will
speak at a more appropriate season. We will confine ourself
for the present fo the fact, that he returned the salure of the
lieutenant-colonel politely, and that he did not appear fo wish the
further continuance ot the conversation.
But our lieutenant-colonel waz of another opinion. /-Ie seated
himself upon the sofa, and endeavoured to play with the boy.
The latter, however, did hot appear much inclined fo reciprocate
these familiarities, but clung close fo his father’s side.
"I should think if would be a source of trouble fo bave such
a tender tmvelling companion with you. tte is undoubtedly
your son #"
"So he is."
"He îs probably not more than four ycars old ?"
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