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"tte bas passed his fifth already."
"Indeed ! one would not think so; the little fellow looks
"Unfortunately, he is so."
"You are, no doubt, making a journey fo a bathing-place #"
"Yes, I intend fo make the trial, with the hope that if will
be good £or him.’:
"Ah ! sea-bathing is very healthy. I am also, with my family,
on my way toward one of those salutary institutions, which offer
so many advantages–I mean concerning health. #Iy lady wife,
unfor#unately, sometimes suffers hysterics, and although they are
not so violent now, we will not, nevertheless, neglect this ex-
cellent remedy for ber perfect restoration. You probably go
:Here the lieutenant-colonel paused, in hopes to attain his
object, which #vas, of being informed of the place fo which the
gentleman was going.
"I bave hOt yet ruade up my mind. J first cxpect, on the
#vay, a letter from a physician."
"That is about the saine case with us, #ve bave not ruade a
choice either. But I beg your pardon. I bave ruade #se of a
liber#y, #hich certainly one ought not fo assume, unless on a
journey, that is, fo enter into a conversation, #vithout an intro-
duction. Allow me to supply this neglect, l#Iy naine is de
I)ressen, Lieutenant-colonel and Chamberlain. And I bave the
honour of speaking fo l#r. - #"
"l#Iy naine is Borgenstierna."
"If gives me much joy of becomîng acquainted #ith l#Ir. –
]#Ir.–-I bave no# the pleasure of being informed of your title."
« X have none."
After tlfis declaration a slight pause was ruade; but with one
of his cus#omary fine turns, the lieutenant-colonel understood
how to renew the thread of the conversation, and with peculiar
smartness, fo turn if upon literature. "A nobleman #vithout a
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