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meantime, the baron took his leave; and the lieutengnt-colonel
inquired of our hero, where he had taken up his residence.
"#Iy residence is here on the markeç," replied Borgenstierna,
"in the bouse directly opposite."
".A. residence–ahem !" thought De Dressen; "tha# is some-
thing. :H:e bas also connexions of distinction, I see; perhaps
rich also. Yes, yes; a single man would hOt under other cir-
cumstances take a whole suite of rooms." Speaking loudly and
politely: "In that case we are hot quite neighbours; but I hope
)Ir. Borgenstierna will hot find the walk over the bridge any
farther than the distance fo the market will be for me #"
Borgensticrna bowed, and the lieutenant-colonel took the op-
portunity fo inquire who the gentleman was that had before
Sl#oken fo him.
"The youngest is my old friend Assessor Wirén, and the
naine of the oldest is Baron Lindenskoeld, the companion of my
"Ah! indeed; but now, be so kind as not fo forger us also.
must now go and look around in ¢he restaurants. I-Iow is your
little boy ?"
"Not very well; the journey bas fati#-med him. We bave hot
yet tried the bath."
"Send him to Amelia–she loves the boy very much; and he
seems fo like fo be with her, a.lso. Please, do so–without any
ceremony. Are #ve hot old acquaintances#"
"The lieutenant-colonel is too kind," replied Borgenstierna,
v¢ith a slight smîle; and, bowing, left the lieutenant-colonel
prosecute Iris discoveries alone.
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