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lands xvould also render ber more apt fo catch up other ideas
than those that she hitherto had."
"#Vell, how did you succced ?" inquired WirSn, anxiously.
"Very imperfectly. The greatest beauties of nature remained
hot understood, while ber eyes rested with rai)turc upon a
splendid carriage or a modern-built bouse, or in the evening, ai
the opera, she looked only at the decorations, while ber car was
deaf to the sound of the most harmonious music."
"Well, in that case, she had, af least, some sense. I would
give a grcat deal if I #vhatever the cause of if migh¢ be–could
perceive the least signs of life in ber. But first conclude your
own story," said Wirén i "then my turn will corne fo repay
your confidence."
"Yes, my story will soon be af an end. A few mont]as agter
our return to l#oestorp, Alfred was born; from that rime my
#vife was always sickly, and the child likewise, which she wished
by all means fo nurse hersel£ X now bitterly repented that I
had allowed ber to bave ber owa will, but I felt so happy when
I sa#v ber performing the duties of a mother, that it did hot
strike my mind aç tha# thne that the little fellow was receiving
unhealthy nourishment.
« Little Alfred remalned our only child. But the manner in
which his mother treated ber favourite ruade him peevish and
sclf-willed, as had been the case of her mother toward ber. We
often disputed about if, but ber increasing weakness often forced
me fo forbearance. Consumption had taken ifs deadly seat, and
gradually wore ber down i and after long suffering, during which
rime I ruade if my only task fo render lire easy fo the sufferer,
she died, eleven months afterward, la my arms.
"I bave missed #VIatflda," added Borgenstierna, after a pause
of sevcral minutes; "yes, I have missed her very much. She
v¢as good, loved me, and I must ascribe the dark sides of ber
mind fo ber perverted education aloae; and aside from that,
what an indescribable force does habib exercise over us. After
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