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hcr death, #vhen Alfred and I were sitting alone upon the sofa,
opposite the bed where she had lain so long in patience and
endurance, I thankcd God that he had relieved ber from ber
misery, but, af the same rime, felt deel»ly , in the innermost
recenses of my hem#, how lonely my lire was now, and was still
fo be more lonely."
"¥ou must hOt speak so: you musç hOt look af everything
in so darl# a light," said Wirén, deeply participating in the
feelings of his friend. "I think that lire might smfle upon you
again in a new and nobler shape. Yonr trials bave nos been so
severe that they m#y nos leave room for the desire So see also
brighte F sides; but iSs depth you bave nos as yeS sounded–you
bave nos yet loved."
"/go, Sruly, no# yeg; ]9uS now allow me fo look also inSo your
inner life, as you bave done into mine."
Wirén looked aS his watch: "Ig is already laSe, my wife is
waiSing for me. I ara fo take ber home from
morrow morning I will reSurn, then I shall communicaSe to you
my only grief# and shall present you to my Yirginia afterward."
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