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#¥#RÉN had scarccly departed #’hen Alfred awoke. Ivar
placed the little fellow on his lap, and sat do#vn near the open
#vindow to look af the passing crowd of foot passengers. The
bathîng-guests #vere slowly issuing from the assembly-house
directly opposite; among them he saw the f#mily of De Dressen.
The lieutenant-colonel had been so for#unate, at noon, as to meet
some of his most brill#ant acquaintances, and had h#rdly given
his la(lies rime fo recover from the f#t#gues of their journey,
having dragged them head-over-heels into the bath, .and from
thence into the soirée, where Amelia’s neat little figure, and
graccful, youthfifl appearance, as well as the d]gnified bearing
and the pleasant mien of ber mother, had met #vith a deserved
The lieutenant-colonel proudly marched with his ladres over
the pi#zza. Alfred, who #ças leaning out of the window, had
hardly recognised Amelia, #vhen he cried out unceasingly:
"Ammy, dear Ammy, I want fo go fo my Ammy !" tIis f#ther
strove fo silence him- "Be quiet, my dear boy. If can’t be tlds
evening, but to-morrow, if you will be good." They saluted
cach other, on both sides, #rith politeness and famil]arity. But
Alfi-ed was nof to be quieted. He called constantly fo
Ammy, until his weeping turned into violent hiccoughîng, so
that Borgenstiern# was obl]ged fo take him from the window.
With pout#ng lips, and eyes filled with tears, Alfred was
fmally composed, by the repeated assurances that he would be
allowed to go to hîs "Ammy" the next morning, and take ber
some flowers. To keep his #vord, Ivar sent fo Mr. Simonson’s
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