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100 ##E sx#t#rs-roY.
garden that evening, fo obtain some of the finest flowers he had.
A little basket of cherries was also procured, and joyfully did
little Alfred dance, when he was dressed the next morning to
go to his little Ammy.
« :Be a good, obedient boy, and do hot be too forward," said
:Borgenstierna, when #he boy went his way.
"Oh, I ara very good, and so is Ammy, too," said the little
Ai the moment when he was abou# departing, with a fine
bouquet of flowers in his little hand, and a basket of cherries
han#ng over his arm, accompanied by the waiter, Wirén entered
#he room. tIe was pleased with the little gardener, who looked
very pretty, in his neat straw bat, from which fell his long black
ringlets, and wished to take him in his arms, and .carry him
back into the room. But this caused the boy fo cry loudly:
"Let me be, let me be, I must go to my Ammy, with the
flowers and cherries."
"What does all this mean? Are you a little postillio#
d’amo#«r? Yes, yes, you look just as though you might be used
for such a purpose. :But who is your dear Ammy?"
"Ammy is my dear Ammy. She plays with me, and cuts
out of paper for me big, big horses, and little, little dogs."
"Let lfim go lfis way; you oee that he is in baste," said Ivar,
and conducted his friend into the room.
"All right. I did hot know that you had lady acquaintances
here in the bath."
"Ammy is the young lady De Dressen, who, with ber parents,
travelled with me on the steam-boat; and from that time Alfred
dates his close acquaintance with the lovely A melia."
"Indeed! and how does your own account stand with the
young lady, since Alfred is such a great favourite #."
"#ine! well, about that I can give you no explanation, as I
know nothing about iV myself. :But that does hot amount fo
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