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believe that I shall make you pay into the bargain for your
fa-iendly services, as you are leaving the bath so abruptly, for the
purpose of showing what one friend can do for another in case
of necessity."
"If will h#deed cost me some self-sacrifice," replied the lieute-
nant; "but fo prove fo you that I never do a thing half-way, I.
will even do that for you."
With this, the matter was settled. The noie was written, the
horses ordered, the trunks packed and on the following morrt-
ing, ai the stroke of six, the gentlemeu departed.
Mademoiselle :Nyquist had, at ten o’clock, a hemorrhage of the
lungs–the consequence of the exertions she had undergone
during the whole morning; for within two hours she had made
twcnty and a haff calls, as a# ¢he last she reached no farther
than the hall, where, exhausted by he#t and fatigue, she fell
fairtting fo the floor, ai’ter she had stammered the words,
"Have the gentlefolks alrcady heard that "
If is said that her sickness did not allow ber fo leave ber room
for six weeks. The wicked world-«ill huve if, however, that
the lady-in-waiting of the countess had daily carried, as an
itineran# gazette, the news between them, until both of the
exalted dames left the bath at the saine rime.
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