- Project Runeberg -  Ivar or the Skjuts-Boy /

(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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about, out of due regard for the veil which should be drawn
o ver the sccresy of such ]#ind of fam#ly aflàirs.
To be brief, Madame de Dressen was constantly in a t)urga-
tory on earth, and Amelia was reminded ai least ten rimes each"
d#y, what an enormous, unpardonable ïault she had committed,
becausc she had refused, entirely setting aside all delicacy, the
overtures of the Chamberlain de Goesse. Amelia, however,
aæpeared fo be very cluiet under these reproaches, which she was
forced to hear every day and every hour, as #vell as the rcmem-
brance of the events that had beea the cause of them. Sh#
never became angry about if, and with ber natural animation of
mind, she always listcned to ber father with respectful atten-
tion, without making bitter remarks concerning it, and always
attended with aa undisturbed mind to ber domestic afi#Ars.
Conccrning the af#airs of ber heart, we bave no right to look
into them; but fi’om the healthy sleeæ, and the liveliness and
blooming cheel#s of our heroine, it is hot tobe supposed that ber
mind was much troubled.
Amelia was hot sensitive # the sentiments of ber hear# were
sincere, gay, and fiery enough, so that she was able fo become
excited as well as any other of Eve’s daughters. But if recluired
more than what she had until now exæerienced , fo stra]n ber
feelings fo a higher degree.
During ber sojourn af the bath, the one who had awakened
ber spirit first, would bave excited ber fo the highest pitch. As
soon, however, as she re#urncd to ber old accustomed circle, and
had fo encounter daîly th# effect of ber i#ther’s iii-humour, she
returned fo ber old track gradually, and even if she did look
back #vith longing fo the man she esteemed the hîghest #f all
men of ber accluaintance , ber heart, nevertheless, beat more
cluietly each evening; and if became more probable, and almost
certain fo ber, that the one of whom she thought with so much
interest, would hardly think of ber in the saine manner.
Madame de Dressen had alrcady finished ber large washing

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