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168 #r#E sKztrrs-#oY.
and bread-baking, and prepared the whortleberry preserves,
dried the applcs, shclled the l#eas, and prepared the potato grit ;
the sour-krout only was fo be ruade; and this important business
ia the domestic department was fo be I)erformed on the next
Saturday, when the lieutenant-colonel was fo take a ride to the
Saturday came. Ai’ter the lieutenant-colonel had preached,
with peculiar emphasis, a sermon, which he was accustomed fo
do even when he started on the shortest journey, which consisted
of an extensive exposition of the fatal bathing journey, that he
could hOt help putting in connexion with everything else, he
finally started, lef# the bouse, and with a lighter heart, Amelia
sprang from the last step of the staircase, fo #vhich place she had
accompanied ber father, then went to the hall, afterward into
the little saloon, where she, like a thrifty housewife, prepared
the table, to put cabbage heads thereon, and began to sing in #
clear voice the gay little song–
"Remember me when you pîck the flowers," &c.
]#[adame de I)ressen entered the room for the purl)ose of
assisting ber duughter. Seathig herself by ber side, and during
their familiar chatting, the work went on hot very rapidly, for
there was much cubbage raised af Tunefors, and as if is a cheap
food, they whittled and cut until evcning, and had hot quite
finished their labours, when the horses of the lieutenant-colonel
were heard down in thc yard. We here cannot forbear making
the remark, that there are housewives who know, even before
they arrive, in what humour their husbands will retura home.
Some know if by the first sound of his voice; others by lds
step; and others, again, strange as if may appear, bave practiscd
so much, and bave sharpened their ears to such a degree, that
they can ascertain by the pawing of the horse, whether the pen-
dulum of humour inclines to the right or the left.
"0 Lord, papa bas alreudy corne home !" exclaimed Ameli#,
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