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"and we are yet sitting here, belote our cabbage. I thi##k if
#ill be best fo clear off the table; if is rime for supper, any
ho#w? #
"l#ever mind, my child," replied her mother, "we w#ll quietly
procecd. I hear if. You # see that papa is in very good
"I should like fo know how you can te]] that," said Ame]la
with a smile, and took a candle to light ber father Ul# the
"Good evening, child," said the lieutenant-colonel, kissing ber
tenderly, #vhich he had hOt done before, since that great epoch
in their existence, the bathing journey.
"Welcome home, dear little p##pa. Itow good and kind you
look. I am sure that you bave sold your potatoes well."
"0 yes, God be thanked, they went off well. I believe you
are making sour-krout, dear Sophia #"
The last words ##ere addressed to l#Iadame de Dressen, who
arose to salure ber husband, and was now favourcd with an em-
brace, and a rather moist kiss from the ]leutenant-colonel’s frozen,
bristly mustache, as he whispered into ber ear,
"l#e#vs, rny dear, good news."
With these words the eyes of the lady glistened with joy.
She was sure, that the man about whom #he carefully avoided
speaking to ber daughter, must be near them, or had announced
his own arrival by a letter, perhaps evenN But here Madame
de Dressen’s run of thoughts ruade a halt. She was acquainted
with ]3orgenstierna’s great natural bashfulness, and that he
should go so far as to announce himself as a suitor for the treasure
which she had under ber care–-that she could hot believe.
"Get supper ready as soon as possible; I am very hune-riT,"
said the lieutenant-colonel, and nobody wfll be surprised that his
wife obeyed his command as soon as possible, and laid asido the
cabbage, which was jus# salted, and which had been destined for
the master’s table, butnow for a baser purpose, namely, tho
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