- Project Runeberg -  Ivar or the Skjuts-Boy /

(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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cattle-manger, that the cattle might bave a little enjoymen# also.
In this manner everything was pushed forward with extra-
ordinary velocity, and never before was a domestic marrer so
quickly concluded, and a table laid with so much despatch.
Amelia thought to herself th#t something clse h#d occurred,
thaa the i#avourable sale of the potatoes, for did hot the singular
case happen that although the warln beer had been burned in
the hurry, papa drank his three glasses withou# saying anything
about it! and besides, expressed, with a stalle, his supposition
that Amelia would make a good housekeeper, and the man who
would lead her fo the altar would certainly no# be more cheuted
than the one who had done the same fo ber mother.
This was no joke; and as no one else was present, Amelia was
confLrmed in ber SUSl)icion that something else had happcned, for
if was only during very rare occasions, and only in his brightest
moments, that the lieutenant-colonel did justice to his wife,
which in his mind he never refused ber, although in lais actions
he was altogether fo the contrary. Reflecting upon these facts,
Amelia wished ber parents good-night, and for a long rime belote
sleep visited ber, all kind of thoughts contended withia ber for
the honour of being the cause of ber father’s good-humour.
#’rom the right cause, however, our heroîne was as far distunt
as earth from heaven.
"]ffow, dear Sophia, guess," said the lieutenant-colonel, when
he had bolted the bedroom door, and had pul!ed off one boot
with the toe of the other, fo exchange his boots for the "divh#e
enjoyment" of slippers. "Guess once, old woman."
"Dear Dressen! alaa, I am altoge#her confused! Perhal)s
Borgen "
"Borgenstierna, and always Borgenstierna !" interrupted the
lieutenant-colonel, somewhat rudely. "Can’t you get that fellow
out of your hcad by any means # Ho, no ! go highcr than that
in your thoughts."
At these words, the countenance of #V[adame de Dresscn

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