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with your most amiable, infinitely-high relations bave over-
whelmed me, l#ve af last awakened me from the dream in
which my dim senses were swimming i and I beheld before me
the lovely star, in the dark space, which encased my heart’s
inner world. Since I had lost the rapturous enjoyment of most
exalted souls, fo be again allowed fo live in the bosom of your
familyRas I do hot know whethcr th# #Ir. Lieutenant-colonel
and Chamberlain’s gmce admires allegorical symbols, and I my-
self may compare me, in consequence of my glowîng fancy, fo
the rich sun of the glowing Orient; for these reasons I love alle-
gorical pictures, which, peculiarly formed by nature for tha.t
purpose, raise the heart in a theoretical way, almost above life’s
tossing waves, af the moment were, af the saine rime, ermobled
and decked with wings, which carried if over the common,
vulgar, prosaic herd, which, in the practical relations of society,
never deserve an undivided regard, where the mind flies away in
%ruly lofty contemplation over the contemptible %ransactions
of worldly matters, for I love liberty in act and thought,
freedom of will, and especially freedom in the elastic flight of
"There is only one case where the mortal cannot remain free;
and that is, if the ideal that his eternal happiness is af stake,
when the thoughts u#aite with sentiments, which is the principal
feature in ifs comportent parts, in relation of ifs soaring into
heaven, and the spiritual world, after which the future irdaa-
bitants, bound fo if by the most exalted and truest being, are
compelled fo long. This is certainly true of the man; and this
is also the reason why I was no# able to restrain my sentiments
as they will lead me fo the aire of my ambition.
"I therefore submit most submissively fo the lieutenant-
colonel and chamberlailçs grace; and allow me to put the modest
question #rhether I may be çllowed to entertain some hope in
relation to your grace’s lovely daughter, the divine Ameliawthe
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