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"If you do that, papa, which I entreat you hot fo do, "I #vill
tell hîm, the firs# time he proposes fo me, in the kindest manner,.
tlmt I will not accel#t him under any circumstances# and that it
would be better for him fo return home."
"Would you indeed dare fo take such a step, Amelia# reflect
well before you answer me." With these words the lieutenant-
colonel threw the napkin on the table, and shoved the plaie
aside, #vith # countenance from #vhich all mildness had dis-
Amelia, with tender earnestness, looked into ber father’s
countenance. It could readily be perceived that she was deeply
grieved af the thought, that she w#s obliged fo disobey him for
the first rime; but the mattcr was of far #oo much importance
that any hesitation should l#revent ber from doing right. She
therefore answered, in a modest, dutiful, but nevcrtheless, firm
tone :–
"There is nothing which grieves me more, dear pal»a , than to
raake you angry; but if is impossible for me fo do otherwise as
long as you speak of the chamberlain. We poor women bave
only one right left fo us, #vhich is fo dispose of our own hearts,
and if would be too hard fo deprive us of this liberty, l#or
these reasons, you #vill not be surprised that I should defend
that right."
"Away from my sigh#!" exclaimed the lieutenant-.colonel,
with violent rage. "Enjoy the thought that your father owcs
the man whom you refuse a much larger debt than he is able fo
pay. Take pleasurc ai the biffer sentiments I will expericnce
in writing your refusal fo a man #vhose generosity bas relieved
me when in a strange place, and fo whom, togcther with the
refusing answer which you #vish me fo send fo him, I ara unable
fo send his money."
"Dear papa, if I dare venture fo say "#with #hese words
Amclia approached her father hesitatingly, "what :[ ’think, I
ara of the opinion that even had you the money which you owe
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