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(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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education which w[ll render ber a lo#ely, pleasing housekeeper,
an excellent companion for a somewhat morose man; and fmally,
she loves you, and will faith#ully share in your joys and sorrows.
And if ail this is hot sufficicnt to compel you to allow you fo let
the feeling take hold of your hcart, which is there already, then
remember with what an unspcakable tenderness she bas watched,
nursed, and cared for your child ; then you will blush at the
ignoble selfishncss with which you intend fo leave the girl thus
unrcwardcd, and loolc qttictly on, while she will, of ber own
accord, bave to refuse the overtures of the dis##sting De Goesse,
and the stupid obstinacy of ber father ; while you are reflecting,
în your backwardness, whcther you will trouble yourseff suffi-
ciently fo stretch fo#oEh your hand fo pluck thc rose which stands
ready for you, or whcther you will lcave ber fo the storm which
will destroy ber, and draw upon you the etcrnal reproach, of
having suffered the rime fo glide away to no purpose, while
action would bave bcen more honourable to the man, than use-
less cogitations.
"In the meantimc ]: h##ve considercd it my duty, as yom"
oldest and most devoted friend, fo meddle with the affair a little
nayself, and fo stop others in their actions, until you bave corne
fo a resolution. I know Lieutenant N––, who, since the
bathing season af Stroemstad, bas been the faithful and steady
companion of :De Goesse, and through him, I bave hot only
received, according fo out mutual agreement, the news of De
Goesse’s proposal, but likew]se a copy of a precious letter, which
he bas written with that honourable intention fo the lieutenant-
colonel. If is a remarkable appendix fo those choice ver-ses,
which he as#ribcd fo the chosen queen of his heart, and which
you will undoubtedly remcmber. The lctter itself you will find
inclosed, but with the express condition that you will return it
immediately; for you will perceive that, fo un amatem- collector
of literary ratifies, the loss of such a magnificenç edition, as
Goessc’s letter is# could noç be ruade up for.

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