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(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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"But as fanciful as the letter m#y be, he is, nevel#heless, in
eatamst in his intentions, and as you do hOt let any at Tunefors
hear or see anything of you, it is very excus#ble if the chambcr-
lain finds, at least with the lîcutenm#t-coloncl, open1 ears and
doors. And, in tact, tlfis is thc case, for he says in lfis answer
fo De Goessc, among other thîngs, ’ I cannot refr’An from telling
you, sir, tlmt my daughter, at least for tl, e #noment, bas no incli-
nation to comply with your desh’es. I ,#m of the opinion,
however, that, as expe##ience bas often taught us, young maids
#re o.f # changeable disposition, and therefore take the liberty fo
propose fo you fo corne here personally, and carry on the mutter
yourself; in which I wish you the utmost success.’
"l#elying upon this letter, De Goesse is making preparations
for his journey, and it may be that he bas arrived there
#lready, although hot alone, as you will soon hear. As I ara
afraid that the lieutenant-colonel, who appears to me to bc of a
very violent nature, might by threats or persuasion more
Amelia fo #ve way, I have prevMled upon Baron Lindenskoeld
fo take # roundabout rond on his journey fo Stockholm, for the
suppor# of my plan. You know what an honest, good-naturcd
old man he is, and is always willing fo render his assistance fo
forward an innocent joke, especially if he entertains the hope of
rendcring a service fo his favotu-ite Amelia. The baron will
conduct himself in a manner so that the lieutenant-colonel, who
is always eagcr fo bite, will not know what he is about; #nd, in
the hope of, perhnps, seeing Amelia as a baroness yet, will hot
exactly give Goesse the cold shoulder, but will put hirn off until
you can bring the m#tter to # conclusion by your arrival. ¥ou
necd not be afruid that the baron will hot conduct the rnatter
with nccessary ability; the lieutenant-colonel always bas his
hcad filled with plnns of mm#ciage # so that it will hot cost the
baron a great deal of trouble fo arrange matters in such a
manner that thc other will hot consider lfis 1)resence as # friendly
visit alone. I bave ruade Baron Lindcnskocld aC«luainted with

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