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ifs value, howevcr, dear Amelia; and you may be sure that,
least, thc hca## of your mothcr understands you."
"Thon I ara satisfied," said Ame.lia; and thon a light gleamed
from ber pretty eyes, which no other fceling had ever before
Whcn the lieutenant-colonel returned, at a ve1T late bout, the
glowing blush on Amelia’s cheeks, and the expression of his wffe’s
eycs, told him that an exI)lanation had taken place.
"I thought that you would hot be able fo kecp silcnt," said
the lieutenant-colonel; "neither h#ve I #ny objections fo your
having ruade your mother acquainted with the sccrct; but hcre
let the marrer test, and for the future kcep silence."
With these words thc lieutenant-colonel drew a little package
from undcr his cloak, and with # half-compassionate, half-
punishing lool#, gave if to his daughter; and without spcaking
went hastily up fo his room.
Scvcral days had clapsed, withou# any one spcaking of Amclia’s
walk or its cause. In the mcantime, however, a certain reserv-
edness existcd in the family, as the lieutenant-colonel noyer com-
municatcd his intentions fo his wffe, and Amclia troublcd ber
head to no pttrpose, cndeavouring fo think what ber ial)a was
about to do. But it was re#erved ibr a very simple circumstance
fo draw out #he co##cealed purposes which the lieutenant-colonel
The marrer stood thus. Ont fine morning, when the head of
the çamily was promenading through the court-yard, fo examine
some birch logs, he heard strange sounds, which attracted him
to the spot from whence they proceedcd, lgear # shed into which
he entered, stood a female domestic, who had charge of the
cattle, and with ber # man-servant. ]3etween them a calf
lying, tied" hand and foot," which 10rotested with all its strength
against thc intentions that were manifcstcd against ifs life.
l#ow, the lieutenant-colonel had always ruade it a rulc which,
by the way, is very reasonable–never to oppose the dignity and
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