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who were dear fo each other, and who were in the habit of seeing
each other often, than the encounter of two persons who were
doubtful whether they should ever see each other aga#n.
This friendly reception had a very beneficial effect upon Bor-
genstîerna’s sick hear#; he felt so well, sitting near the warm
tire, served by Amelia with the excellent tea and precious tea-
cake, that iV appeared fo him, that he was now, for the first rime,
within the cheerful circle of his own fireside.
Nothing had troubled Borgenstierna so much before, as well
as during Ms journey, as his first appearance ai Tunefors, and he
had striven a hundred rimes fo forger the subject entirely, when
he though# what a disturbance lais arrival would create, and what
a mass of exclamations of surprise if would call forth. If the
approximation of Christmas had no# set bounds fo his resolu-
tion, or if there had been a longer season before that holîday, he
would bave meditated still longer. But the reason why he had
set Christmas as the day for this visit, was because he bad con-
ceived the idea, that ff he ever visited Tunefors, if mus# be on
this solemn festival. First, because housekeepers are, on that
day, prepared for guests–and Borgenstierna was sufficienty
acquainted with the De Dressen famfly fo know that the latter
#vas lmt always the case. In the second place he was able fo
discharge certain pressing obligations this evening, without being
obliged to enter into an explanation, concerning the cause of
those gifts, or tobe flooded with thanks, which were equally as
unpleasant. In short, Christmas eve was better adapted for the
delicate visit than any other day in the year, and could hot bave
been more aptly chosen.
There was so much modesty existing in the reservedness that
guided our friend Borgenstierna, that there was no cause for
surprise in his hearty satisfaction, as well as in Iris content.
After the first fearful hour had passed, he sat there in quietness
and comfort, like an old frtend, of whom one knows tha# sin-
cerity is of more worth fo l#im than the mos# profuse compli
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