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ments. In the eyes of our hero, which were usually vefled with
melancholy, this evening glistened a tire that lent fo him the
expression of inward, as well as outward peace. He had if also,
for he was happy. The industrious Amelia appeared much
more charming fo him, as she busied herself in ber domestic
affairs, thau she did ai the bathing-place. And every moment
when she bestowed upon him that friendly care, which ladiei
are apt fo show us, without affecting an air of business, ber
merits increased in his eyes, and af the saine rime his heart
gradually opened fo the impressions of ]ove, tha# he received so
But iL was not Amelia alone who caused these comfortable
sentiments fo arise within him. I# also appeared fo him that
the lieutenant-colonel, who to-day fortunately did hot trouble
him with his usual questions and bombast, had amended beyond
all measure. 1V[adame de Dressen had always been a pleasing
and amiable woman; but even she developed more than ber
usual grace.
Lit#le Alfred was no# mentioned that evening. /# common
feeling causcd all fo avoid every painful recollection which
might bave embittered #he joyful evening.
2#fter tea, when the housewife’s splendid Christmas presents
were admired, Amelia ttu-ned her package over in ber hands, hot
darîng fo open if.
"Do you no# wish fo see wha# i# contains#" inquired ber
"l#ot, before I ara alone in my own roomj there I will be
undisturbed," replîed ber daughter.
# friendly, almost grateful look from Borgenstîerna, proved
fo 2#melia tha# he approved of ber intention. She had perceived .
how unpleasaut ber father’s pompous thanks had been fo him,
and how much uneasiness even the simple words of ber mother
had caused ldtm She therefore did hOt wish to cause him a
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