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#Iina; and Lamm’s beloved was hot acute enough fo discover, as
did :[#adame de Dressen, the cause of Amelia’s silence.
The men T pastor’s jests during the mcal had finally brought a
slight degree of animation into the loving couple, when Madame
de Dressen advised them fo star# back on their return.
The company, therefore, took their leave. During their
journey home, the silence was again renewed on both sides, and
lasted during the whole of the day, and the next day also,
although the lieutenant-colonel and his wife ruade every endea-
,cour fo entertain their guests in the best manner possible.
:But on the third day the ice was broken.
"I ara no fool, certainly," said Borgenstierna fo himself. ":No
love-sick boy who squanders away his rime in sighs. If I love,
I must certainly give a sign of that love. I must hear whether
she wishes to be my own–whether she loves me sufficiently fo
accept my hand."
tte sought for Amelia, and held a long, very long conversation
with ber.
:But as Borgenstierna was desirous that its subjcct should be
kept secret for some rime yet, if would hOt become his historian
fo communicate if fo everybody. We can only state that he
asked for her hand in marriage, and ai#erward presented himself
before the lieutenant-colonel to make certain arrangements.
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