- Project Runeberg -  Ivar or the Skjuts-Boy /

(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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272 T##. SKJUTS-BOY.
of ber husband, fo be dcprived of the suppot# w]fich tSe assur-
ance gave Ser, that–-"
"t te will nevcr know of my degradation, as it will be my
unchange#ble endeavom" fo expiate for that which I bave com-
This conviction, which was pressing upon Ser, was bittcrly
painful, nay, even horrible; but the most Sorrible of .#11 was
that she lacked cottrage and confidence in thc husband sSe Sad
betraycd, to confess on his bosom ber crime, and fo find stren#h
in his stren#h fo uphold ber own weakness.
Thcre are but few men indeed who are able justly fo value
such confidence–but if might bc that their number would be
larger if women were hot apt, under such dangcrous circum-
stances» fo use intrigue and dissimulation, fo which they
generally fall as victims. Surely there are men tobe round who
are able to ra#se up, with reason and ar#o#ment, a trembling and
anxious wife, who can only corne fo the resolution fo unload
ber Seart with loving confidence into his own.
¥irginiu was hot able fo form such a resolution. She did hot
know her lmsband sufficiently, and entertained the idca that she
would humble hersclf by such a confession, hloreover, she
was yct too proud fo acknowledge fo other than the :M:ost
and ber own hear# thttt she was ##ailty.
#everthcless, she sufl#red much, and i’clt the arrival of tsar
b#tter moment with puin. She heard Wir5n’s voice, heard Sis
anxious cry–" #irgini#! my Virginia !" and intended fo
answer; but it .#cemed to Ser as though an invisible hand sealed
Ser lipsl it was, howevcr, only the cold, which benumbed ber
muscles. She would hot bave bccn able either to move or rise, if
even a human lire dependcd upon it.
Suddcnly the door was thrown open, and Wircn rushed in.
"Grcat God ! ¥irginia, what are you doing here ?"
¥irginia did hot reply, and endeavoured to risc; but was
nnable to do so. The pale, rigid statue of marble appeaxed fo be

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