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zrtz sKavzs-sov. 273
dead–and Wirén could scarcely believe that if was his living
wîfe whom he lif#ed in his arms. Bearing ber to the bouse,
he nursed ber and watched over ber with the most assiduous care.
Midnight had long since passed. Virginia was slumbering
soundly; by ber side sat Wirén, and his eye, which reposed with
the u#most tenderness upon his wife, proved that he was one of
the few, who, as soon as they are #rea#ed with confidence, show
themselves wor#hy of if in the highes# degree.
"I waz #oo careless, I ara always too hasty," thought tbe
assessor, reproving himself, and smoo#hing ¥irginia’s brow.
She awoke and looked up; but, startled by the sight of ber
husband, again closed her eyes.
"Virginia," he whispered, bending over ber, "I hope you do
hot hate me. Why do you turn away from me ? Why do you
refuse me yo#tr confidence ? There is rime ye#. Compose your-
self, and be asstu-ed that I still love you dearlymwa#-mly, and
disin#erestedly enough fo save you from yoursel£ Corne fo me,
lay your head upon my bosommmy heart is but human, and bas
a sympathy for human weaknesses."
Unable fo withstand the endearing accents of the tender voice,
and those self-denying sentiments, which caused Wirén fo forger
]ris own pain, fo soothe that of lfis wffe, she leaned upon his
shoulder and burst into a flood of tears.
#rirginia sobbed upon ber husband’s breast, and the pride of
ber hear# vanished like the frost before the sun. She breathed
freer as she opened to him every secret corner of ber hear#, and
trembled with nainglcd anxiety, happiness, pain, and shame, as
Wirén, with the animation so peculiar to him, pressed his lips
fo hers, and said,
"#y Virginia, all crimes that you bave committed within
your heart, X forgive you by this kiss; henceforth you will be
doubly dear to me, for you have bestowed your confidence upon
me. Your first inclination toward ]3orgenstierna will soon be
forgotten; of that I ana so firmly convinced that I would stako
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