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word "toaster," might be on the paper. For instance, "master
of the royal horse," "toaster of the royal mines," or something
similar. Thc lieutenant-colonel, in his present state of mind,
was hot able to perceive that if was impossible for if fo be either
the on.e or the other. Nevertheless, if must be so for a tanner,
a plain mechanic, could hot possibly dare fo be so presumptuous
as to seek a connexion with one of the oldest noble familics in
the country, neither would he venture to carry it out in such a
daring, unhcard-of manner.
"I wish the old beast was here no% that I might know how
the mattcr stands." ]#y the#e #¢ords, the lieutenant-colonel
meant the parson ; but the latter was obliged fo attend fo other
affairs# and, in the mcan rime, the lieutenant-colonel fully cn-
joyed the horrible pleasure of witnessing how the congregation
whispercd fo each othcr # and he could even observe, through a
small aperture in the vcstry-room door, how the people of tank,
in the immediate neighbourhood of the choir, exchanged #ignifi-
cant glances, and occasionally drew down the corners of their
"W’here is the proclamation-paper? Give if fo me," cried
the lieutenant-colonel fo the old parson, who now approached
him with polite bows ar#d con##tul#tions: "Itow could you
read if that #vay?"
"Rend what #" inquired the surprised pa.rson.
"Did hot you read toaster-tanner, where if probably was
intended as toaster of the horse, or toaster of the mines#"
"Indeed, there is hot a word thcre about either the one or
the other," replicd the parson, in amazement. "But here it
stands, literally as I rcad if: m-a-s.t-e-r t-a-n-n-e’-r. I sho#ld
think that you would know best what was the rank and trade
of your future son-in-law."
":Be so kind as to spare your superfluous remarks," thundered
the lieutenant-colonel, giving his anger free vent. "Let me sec
the papcr."
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