- Project Runeberg -  Ivar or the Skjuts-Boy /

(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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znv, SKJVTS-BOV. 281
"With the utmost pleasure ; as soon as the sexton cornes he
shall bring if. In the mean rime, I must request you to keep
#ilence, as the service is hot yet concluded."
The lieutenant-colonel w#s somewhat cooled by these s#ple,
plain-spoken words. He gmdually became #ware of the impro-
priety of his beh##o#, and w#lked sflently fo and fro, ever and
anon striking the p#vement with his iron-shod oene, untfl the
w#ls resounded with the violence of # blows.
When the par#n, after the service was over, had again en-
tered the vestry-room, he ordered the sextoa fo procure the proe
cl#m#tion-paper, which order was obeyed imme#ately.
But now, the eager h#te which the Heutenant-colonel h#d
pmdously #splayed, suddenly vs#shed, and he received the
paper with an #ppe##nce of dis#e. Ope#ng the #po##t
document, he w# obliged to rend in plain letters, "master-
t#nner," in spite of the pains he took to make out, "m#ter of
the horse," or "m#ster of the mines."
A deep sigh, which sounded almost # loud as the mpo# of
pistol, escaped # Hps. #e allowed the paper fo f#ll to the
floor, and stood rooted fo the spot sever#l seconds # but he soon
#w the necessity of sang outward appe#rances, and wh#t was
more impo##nt, his #uthority. Ho stooped fo pick up the
p#per, # though if had acŒEdentslly fallen from his #p, and
s#id, with a composum, wMch cost such # m#n # the lieutenan#
colonel, especi#lly in Ms present position, not # little exe#ion,
"He has, then, af least, the s#tisfaction of ha#g won the
w#ger. Some rime ago, we held a conver#tiofl conce#ng the
title under which #[r. Borgenstierna wo#d h#ve # bans pro-
clMmcd, #nd he then s#d, jokingly, he #tended fo h#ve himself
c#led # m#stcr-t#ner, as thcre is # large tanne# on the exten-
sive est#te of Roestorp. I laughed ai it, #nd ber h# my black
pony–you know what an excellent home
would never h#ve thought that I should lose, as I did hot believe
t#t hoEr. Borgenstiema would be so odd # fo surfer #e# fo bc

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