- Project Runeberg -  Ivar or the Skjuts-Boy /

(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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282 THE SKZtrrS-nOY.
called a toaster-tanner, from the pull0it. Since thcn we bave
hot spoken about the matter. But. this morning, I thought I
should like fo know whether I shoulcl be allowed this evcning to
call the trotter my own, and must confess, that I was so sur-
prised, as you bave seen, af the droll and singular îdea about the
toaster-tanner, that I became much excited, which I ccrtainly
should hot bave done for, ai a wager, both parties endcavour fo
show that they can keep what they bave promised. Borgenstierna
bas his little oddities the same as we bave–but the loss of my
black pony troubles me a little. I must hasten home, and save
the animul somehow or another."
The pastor bowed, after hr#ving listened to this explauation;
but looked like one who is bound through politeness fo believe
what another one tells him. tte shook the lieutenant-colonel’s
1)roffered hand, und was sufficiently acquainted with mankind to
know why if trembled. The honest pastor, however, was good-
natured enough to say,
"Whatever may bave happened in regard fo that wager, is
strictly confidential."
" I hope so," replied the lieutenant-colonel, who could hOt
think #vithout shame of the deep contrast in which the master
of the horse, and toaster of the mines stood with the story of the
wager. "I hope so. Your obedient servant, )lr. :Parson."
In the next moment he w#s at the outsicle; and, entering
gig, drove homeward.
As soon as the lieutenant-colonel had left the church behind
him, thc #eat rcstraint that he had been forced to wear, was
followecl by a fit of actual craziness; and during his whole ride
to Tuncfors, ho bothered his brains concerning the method by
#vhich he could l#unish :Borgenstierna for his arrogance in the
most effectual manner. Af length he arrived a.t the conclusion
fo break off the match entirely, unless his future son-in-law would
1oledge his word to procure a title.
]#lad#me de Dressen s#w, through the kitehen #’indow, the

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