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Almqvist-bref från Amerika. 117

even after the old Gentlemans death. He has since visited almost
all parts of the United States, in west and south; been in St. Louis,
New Orleans, Texas &c. Lastly he has been occupied in writing
Memoirs concerning the Americans and the great Rebellion. In
se-veral places he has been in the war himself. His intention is to
publish his Sketches in due time; but in Swedish, of course; as
english is not his native language, and he writes it badly, as You can
see of this letter.

Almqvists Writings, as yet published, are principialy these:

Törnrosens Bok (»Book of Roses»); the general title of a
Collec-tion of Poetry, Romances, Novels and several Treatises in prose;
comprehending most all of the following pieces. — »Törnrosens Bok»
is printed in several and different editions, the first appeared in
the year 1833.

Jagtslottet (The Castle, or Gountryseat, of »Herr Hugo
Löwenstjerna» — Sir Hughes, — a romantic and rather fancied place in
Swedish Nericia, where all the pieces, contained in Törnrosens Bok, are
supposed to have been produced, performed and read before Herr Hugo
and in presence of his family, to the amusement and entertainment
of himself, his friends and relations. Jagtslottet is the introduction
— or a kind of Introductory Novel — to the whole Törnrosens
Bok, conferring a picture and a description of Sir Hughes, his
character and biasses, his family, his palace &c. A certain Bichard
Furumo — »Herr Hugos Hofskald» (the Court Poet in Sir Hughes’
castle) — is the one, who generally makes the poetry, performs
the music and the novels, and reads the romances before the
illu-strious acsembly at »the Jagtslott». Sometimes and occasionally,
however, other individuals in Sir Hughes’ retinue are intrusted with
the task of Performers, in Richard Furumos abscence. — The
Jagtslott comprehends 1 Volume.

Hermitaget — »the Ermitage» — a Romance from the
Swedish Middle Äges in the 13th century, under King Waldemar and
his Queen, Sophia of Denmark. — 1 Vol.

Hinden, Sketches of Ad ventures in the country. 1 Vol.

Drottningens Juvelsmycke — »the Queens Diamond-attire». This
is the Romance of Aøouras Lazuli Tintomara. The place of action
is principally Stockholm, at the time of King Gustavus III, his
mur-der and death. — Gontains XII Books, in 2 Vols.

Aniorina, »the history of the Four Relatives». A Romance in
V Books, prose and verse. Gomplete in 1 Volume.

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