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Power Station ät Forshult.
The speciality of Storfors is the manufacture of tubes, especially boiler tubes,
which demand the highest quality in material and manufacture, tubes for water-tube
boilers for the Swedish and foreign navies, locomotive tubes, etc., bicycle tubes,
hydraulic tubes, tubes for motor cars and aeroplanes, etc.
(Established in 1855, rebuilt 1871 and later.)
Everything that is connected with wood-industries has of late years been
concentrated at Skoghall, where there has arisen one of the most modern and most
perfect industrial Centres in Sweden. At Skoghall there are a saw mill with twelve
frames, driven by electricity, for an annual production of about 24,000 stds. of sawn
timber, a sulphite factory with an annual output of about 15,000 tons bleached and
unbleached pulp, and a sulphate factory to produce about 24,000 tons of sulphate
pulp yearly.
The chemical industry is also strongly represented at Skoghall, as the Uddeholm
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