- Project Runeberg -  Iron and Steel in Sweden /

(1920) [MARC] - Tema: Business and Economy, Metals
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The Works and Charcoal Sheds.

cellent ores possessed by the Company are extremely suitable. The pig iron made is
white, half-white or grey in texture, with a phosphorus percentage varying between
0*020 and 0*025, and a sulphur percentage of between 0*010 and 0*015.

In addition, there are manufactured all kinds of charcoal foundry iron, such as:

1) with high phosphorus- and silica percentages, intended for thin goods,

2) with high manganese percentage, suitable for mixing purposes,

3) with low percentage of phosphorus, made of ores low in phosphorus and sulphur,
"from the Company’s own mines.

The quality of the pig iron produced is constantly checked, before being sent to the
consumers, partly by analyses and partly by practical trials in the Company’s own
foundries, where castings are turned out for the most varying purposes.

Other kinds of pig iron are manufactured to order.


Capital: 3,000,000 kronor.

Yearly value of production: 12,000,000 kronor. Number of workmen: 600.

Telegrams: Guldsmedshyttan, Lindesberg, Sweden.

Postal address: Guldsmedshyttan, Sweden. Railway (goods) address: Stora, Sweden.

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