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The Bofors Works.
At Bofors, 19 miles from the north east shore of Sweden’s largest lake–Lake
Venern–the Bofors Company, Ltd., carries on the manufacture of iron and steel
and, in combination with this, the making of munitions, which have for several years
enjoyed a world-wide reputation.
The Bofors Steel works are situated at the station of the same name on the normal
gauge, private railway Ervalla-Strömtorp-Otterbäcken, which is connected at Ervalla
and at Strömtorp with the State Railway system. Otterbäcken Station-which is
also a harbour-stands on the shore of Lake Venern, which lake, now that the
Troll-hätte Canal has been deepened, is accessible to transoceanic steamers of 1,400 tons
carrying capacity. The distance between Bofors and Otterbäcken is 38 miles. The
nearest mining district has its centre in the little town of Nora, and from this district
the Company takes its ores. The distance is about 25 miles.
There is reason to suppose that the manufacture of iron was carried on at Bofors in
ancient times. There are, however, no written documents to this effect. The farm of
III: 2 - 20S75. Iron and Steel in Sweden.
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