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- Aktiebolaget Bofors
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Erecting shop.
Bo – the Bofors of to-day – is mentioned in 1584 as a fee-farm,in Charles IX.’s Public
Register of Land. It did not become an iron-works before in 1646, when P. L. Hosman,
a burgher of the town of Arboga, received a licence to erect a forge here. There are no
facts of any note to mention during the first two hundred years after its foundation.
It was afterwards owned in succession by members of the Liljeström, Flygge and
Ekehjelm families and, in 1703, together with the forge of Björkborn two kilometres (1 ¼
miles) distant, it passed into the possession of the Robsahms, in which family it remained
for several generations. It afterwards passed by marriage to members of the
Lagerhjelm and de Laval families. Björkborn, however, was afterwards separated from the
property, but was, later on, once more united to Bofors.
In 1873, with the aid of the firm of J. A. Kjellberg & Sons of Gothenburg, there
was formed the Bofors-Gullspång Company Ltd., and in 1878 the said Company
practically became sole owners of the works. Enormous workshops were soon established
for the manufacture of modern guns. Siemens-Martin Works were erected and, in
the following year, a method was discovered of casting perfectly homogeneous
gun-ingots. Sweden is still the only country in which guns are made of non-forged metal,
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