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- Aktiebolaget Bofors
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28 cm. (11 inch.) gun turret.
and lids for boilers for pulp factories, valves of all kinds and sizes, blocks, anvils and
hammerpans for steam hammers, all kinds of motor- and generator-frames,
magnet-rings, magnet-wheels, poles, &c., for electrical machinery, crane pulleys and traversing wheels of hard steel, shells and endplates for turbines, &c.
When the Bofors manufactures are being mentioned one generally thinks, of the
war material. Bofors, however, is an iron-work and, like many other such
establishments, can supply iron and steel in most of the usual dimensions.
consist chiefly of the following establishments.
The Gun-shop, presumably one of the largest work-shops in Scandinavia; with
a floor surface of 25,664 sq. metres, it contains several departments, which, thanks
to high windows and glassroofs, are exceedingly bright and airy. The mechanical treat-
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Project Runeberg, Mon Dec 11 21:48:46 2023
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