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- Aktiebolaget Bofors
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28 cm. (11 inch.) Gun.
For heavy-armour shells nickel-chromium-steel is now nearly always used. This
is cast in its approximate form direct from the furnace. The thick-walled "armour
shells," which ought to be able to pierce thick, cemented armour without breaking,
are made of forged, massive ingots which are hollowed out almost to the point of the
projectile. The shells with thinner walls, "semi-armour shells," which do not need to
stand the same severe firing tests as the heavy-armour shells, are manufactured by the
hole being pressed in a large forgingpress. The material is then pressed through rings
of decreasing diameter in a so-called drawingpress. The heavy-armour piercing shells
have also to undergo an annealing and hardening process, the latter being in oil and
followed by tempering. This work calls for great care and caution. The points of all
armour shells are fitted with caps.
The Works manufacture projectiles of all calibres. The largest hitherto made have
been 30.5 cm (12 inch.) in diameter and weighed 400 kilos (900 Ibs.).
Bofors also manufactures cast armour; thin for use in ships, such as for
casemates and fighting turrets, shields for guns &c., and also, massive armour-domes
for land forts.
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Project Runeberg, Mon Dec 11 21:48:46 2023
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