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Interior from the Källfallet picking shed. |
few Swedish iron-works have succeeded in developing to any great extent without the
help of such forest estates, as the mere production of iron has at times given but very
little profit. In 1870 Ohlson purchased the large iron-manufacturing estate of
Gisslarbo (established in 1620), which formerly belonged to the Reenstierna, Sträng and
Lorichs families.
When Ohlson died in 1876 the estates were practically of the same extent as they
are at the present day. They were taken over by the present Riddarhytte Co., Ltd.,
established in 1878.
THE RIDDARHYTTAN ORE FIELDS form a particularly valuable part of the Company’s
estates. They consist of a continuous streak of ores 10 kilometres (6 miles)
long, running from N.E. to S.W. The most important mines are Källfallet, Bäcke,
Östergruvan and Bastnäs. The last-mentioned is famous for its many rare minerals,
among which mention may be made of Cerite. At Källfallet there is a concentrating
plant with four ball mills and briquette works with two furnaces. At the Bäcke mine
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Project Runeberg, Mon Dec 11 21:48:46 2023
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