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New factory at Österby.
Here the production of pig iron is carried on in two blast-furnaces. In 1917 there
was erected a saw mills with 6 frames. There is also a joinery works for the Company’s
own needs, together with a brickworks.
The future development of the Company’s iron industry will have its centre of
gravity at these works. At present there exists here a blast furnace, Walloon forge, a
Siemens-Martin steel works with a yearly capacity of 25,000 tons, a crucible steel works,
blister steel furnaces, a steel forge with 8 steam hammers, a mechanical workshop and
a foundry.
Here is carried on the production of Walloon forgings in 4 Walloon smelting
hearths, in addition to which there are 2 bar iron forges, and 3 steam hammers.
At TOBO there are two newly built blast-furnaces.
At CARLHOLM there are lancashire forges with rolling mills, and a saw mill with
4 frames. At RÅNÄS there is another saw mills with 2 frames.
Of the Company’s productions there have been sold under normal conditions
(pre-War times) approximately the following quantities:
18,000 tons ingot pig iron
4,500 » Walloon iron
2,000 » crucible steel
600 tons blister steel
1,000 » lancashire best bar
15,000 standards sawn wood goods.
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