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embrace blooming, medium, small section and tube rolling mills. The medium mill
was started in 1872, the blooming mill in 1888, the tube mill in 1894, and the small
section mill in 1904.
The rolling mill products form the main part of the goods supplied by the Works
and embrace tool-, drill-, spring-, machine-, shaft-, wheel- and sleigh steel, chromium steel
tubes for ball bearings, &c. These products like all the other manufactures of the
Company, are distinguished by an even, high quality, in consequence of which Forsbacka
has gained a reputation as one of the best marks in the international market. The greater
part of the manufactures is exported.
contain 9 hammers, of which six are steam-driven and one pneumatically driven. The
other two are belt driven spring hammers.
Forsbacka forgings have long enjoyed an excellent reputation. The products
consist chiefly of forged steel of various kinds, such as tool-, chisel- and die steel, alloy
steels, &c., and of various stone-dressing- and smithy implements, such as sledge
hammers, beetles, &c.; further crow bars, small axles, such as barrowaxles and the
like. In the shop for merchant forgings there is also a press work, employed chiefly
for the manufacture of ring discs for ball bearings, double picks, &c.
is equipped in the most up-to-date manner for the determination of mechanical
properties, for metallographic, microscopic, microphotographic and metallurgical
investigations, heat treatments and chemical analyses. The premises also contain a small
mechanical workshop for the preparation of samples and testpieces.
Spring-, scythe-, and axe-steel, hollow and solid drill steel, round, rectangular,
hexagon, octagon, quarter-octagon and cruciform sections; rolled twist drill steel,
hollow and solid of various sections; tool steel; alloy steels, such as chromium steel,
nickel steel, chromium nickel steel, chromium vanadium steel, &c., special steel for ball
bearings and balls, dies for drop hammers, press dies, &c., merchant forgings,
stone-dressing- and smithy tools, pickaxes, balls for crushing mills, drop forgings, &c.
The foundry and the mechanical workshop are run chiefly for the sake of the chief
works1 themselves. The same remark applies to the saw mill and the joinery shop.
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