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/ II \ The influence of manganese upon
foundry pig-iron may be summed
up as follows: -
1) It increases the fluidity of
the iron;
2) It combines more easily than
silicon with oxygen, thereby
protecting silicon from oxidation during
the smelting;
3) The formation of manganese
sulphide diminishes the acknowledged
injurious effect of sulphur which
renders castings hard and brittle and causes dangerous tensions;
4) The admixture of scrap iron can be increased.
PIG-IRON CASTINGS of the highest quality are supplied, cast direct from the blast
furnace as well as from Cupolas. Specialities are:- Ingot moulds, Castings for Lancashire
hearths, Tubes for heating ore crushers arid chilled castings for apparatus, &c.
Siemens-Martin Works.
Surahammar is an extremely old hammer forge which, however, as late as the end
of the seventeenth century, only consisted of a small Lancashire forge. It was connected
with the Skultuna Copper- and Brass-works for some time in the eighteenth century.
The Works first began to develop to any real extent, after having become the property
of the Zethelius family in 1845, but the real creator of the modern establishment was
Major P. Petersson, manager of the Company
from 1883 to 1908. Under his direction the
Frame of ore crusher.
Crank shaft, weighing 11,300 kilograms.
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