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- 427 —
out, jfr köra ut, b. -arbeta, tr. counterwork,
work against (counter to), seek (set o. s.) to
thwart (traverse) [a p.’s plans], oppose, jfr
äfv. bekämpa; (söka hålla tillbaka, hindra) check,
restrain; discountenance; ~ sig själf, go
counter to o.’s own interest[s]. -beskyllning,
recrimination, counter-accusation; göra ~ar
mot, recriminate [a p.]. -besök, return-visit
(call); aflägga {göra) ~ hos ngn, return a p.’s
call, -bevis, proof to the contrary;
counter-evidence. -bild, 1. counterpart, antitype. 2.
contrast, -bjudande, p. a. repugnant,
repulsive [för, to], forbidding; offensive,
disgusting. -bok, [customer’s] pass-book,
tally; afv. bank-book, -fordran, counter-claim
(demand), cross-demand; set-off, off-set.
-förbund, opposition league; afv.
confederation. -gift, antidote [mot, to], counter-poison
[against], -gång, reverse, (en sarsk.) blow, check,
defeat; mera aiim., afv.: ^ar, ill-luck, ad-
versity, jfr medgång, ex.; jfr vid. olycka; hafva
(röna) be thwarted [in o.’s plans]; be
crossed [in love]: ... (få pröfva på)
(noen), meet with (experience) reverses
(adversity). -hugg, return (counter-)blow (stroke),
-håll, [meet with] disfavour [from a p.’s
(master’s) hand]; ha ~,be discountenanced (kept
under) [by o.’s master], -hårs, adv. against
the grain (ibi. hair); [stroke the cat] the
wrong way [of the fur], -ig, adj. adverse,
untoward, cussed F; afv. contrary [winds];
det är (går) ^t, things go unkindly [for me],
jfr vid. gå [illa o. emot], -ighet, -en, -er, aiim.
(särsk. ss. egenskap) contrariety; konkr.
disappointment, adversity, jfr -gång; ~er, äfv. adverse
circumstances, rubs, petty ills [of life],
motion,-en, 1. (pl. 0) kroppsrörelse exercise ; ridning
ar en sådan god such a good form of (such
capital) exercise; taga sig (hämta) take
[some] exercise; afv. go out for a
constitutional, jfr föij. ex.; promenad för skull,
constitutional. 2. (pl. -er) i riksdagen motion,
äfv. resolution; mera allra, vid möte o. d.
proposition; väcka ~ i riksdagen, submit a
resolution, move; afv. bring in (introduce) a bill
(measure), -era, tr. 1. exercise; ~ sig, sc
föreg. 1, ex. 2. i riksdagen move [that .. be ..],
jfr vid. föreg. 2, ex. -är, -en, -er, mover [of a [-resolution];-] {+re-
solution];+} afv. introducer of a bill,
motiv, -et, -(er), motive; konst. afv. Fr. motif,
theme, subject; jfr äfv. bevekelsegrund;
anföra nuen för sin åsikt, sitt beteende, give
o.’s reasons, assign reasons for o.’s conduct,
-era, tr. 1. gifva skai för state the reason for
(motive of), jfr äfv. föreg. ex. 2. utgöra skäl för be
the motive of; förklara explain, account for;
ett väl <>udt förslag, a well-grounded
proposal. -ering, explanation [of the reasons],
argumentation]; (ss. inledande del) preamble,
exposition, statement of the case; defence
[of his action].
motllkandidat, competitor, opposing (rival)
candidate. -kejsare, rival emperor, -kil, mek.
cotter. -konung, rival king, -kritik, anti-critique,
-liggande, adj. opposite, -list, counter-plot,
-läsare, reading boy, [proof-]reader’s
assistant, Am. copy-holder, -part, adversary,
opponent, antagonist, -parti, opposite party,
[a strong] opposition; nuet, afv. my (our etc.)
opponents; afv. the other side, the enemy F.
•påstående, allegation to the contrary; lag.
reconvention, -räkning, [place to]
contra-(opposite )account, offset; saidera genom nu,
balance in account, -sats, -en, -er, 1. (sats)
antithesis. 2. a) (motsatt förhånande) opposition
[to], contrast [to, with]; starkare contrariety
[to], contradiction, jfr -sägelse; b) konkr. (ngt
som utgör nu) aiim. [the] opposite, [the] reverse,
[the] contrary, afv. antipodes; log.
(kontradikto-risk äfv. contradictory [jfr: the
contradictories of good and evil, of great and little];
just (raka) nuen, exactly the reverse, quite
the contrary, jfr afv. tvärt om ; A är nuen till
B, afv. (: A och B äro ~er), A and B are
op-posites; dygden är lastens nu, virtue is the
converse (contrapositive) of vice; han är sin
brors af gjorda nu, he is the exact opposite
(antipodes, äfv. antithesis) of his brother;
hans yttre var nuen till elegant, his exterior
was the opposite (reverse) of elegant;
bevisa nuen, prove the contrary; bilda (utgöra)
en ~ till, be (stand) opposed to, stand in
opposition to; be the contrary of; ... skarp
(oförenlig) ~ till, be at diametrical variance
with, jfr vid. strid[a]; i nu till, in opposition to,
contrary to; (skiiiuad) in contradistinction to
(from), as distinct from, as against; bevis på
nuen, proof of the contrary; evidence to the
Contrary. -Satt, p. a. stridig opposite (äfv. i
rumsbetyd., jfr -liggande), opposed [to], contrary
[to]; jfr vid. fientlig, Stridig; [eg.] i riktning
(omvänd) reverse, converse jfr föreg., ex.; äfv. the
other [extreme; side etc.]; jfr fall o. håll, ex.;
nua blad, bot. opposite leaves; uttala sig i nu
syfte (riktning), express o. s. in a contrary
sense (to the contrary); ge ett ~ råd, advise
[a p.] to the contrary, -se, tr. se emotse, -sida,
opposite side; the other side; se afv. -parti.
-sjö, head-sea (swell); vi hade we had the
sea against us, the sea set (was running)
against us. -skrift, reply to [a p.’s] criticism,
[written] rejoinder, -skäl, reason against,
counter-reason (ei. argument); anföra, höra skäl
och nu, arguments for and against (pro et
contra), F pro’s and con’s, -sols, adv. against
clock-hands, counter-clockwise (afv. ss. adj.:
som rör sig nu), -spel, 1. i kortsp. o. d. samt bildl.
counter-play, o.’s opponent’s play. 2. teat,
foil, [the] support, -spelare, 1. opponent,
adversary. 2. teat, supporter; pl. kollekt, [the]
support, -spjärn, se fotspjärn, -spänstig, adj.
refractory, recalcitrant, stubborn [and un-
no last title-word. 0 no pl.
- alike in sing, and pl. † vowel change in pl. F colloquial, (n) nearest equivalent.
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