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ack interj oh! oh dear! i högre atii alas! <v om,
ett jag vore . ./ would that I were ..!
ackj|a -an -or ’ackja’, Laplander’s sledge
acklamation, [med] ~ [by] acclamation
aokllmatlserj|a tr acclimatize -a sig refl become
acclimatized; Mar* get to feel at home -ing
aekomod||fttion accommodation -ations|förmåga
power of accommodation -ations|vfixel hand,
accommodation bill -era tr [sig refl~]
accommodate [oneself] [efter to] -ering M -ation
aokompanj||atris -atör acoompan[y]ist -emang
*»et *v[erj ma«. accompaniment; med, tillf
under ** av ., to the accompaniment of,. -era
tr accompany; [ab«oi.], ~ sig själv play the
(one’s own) accompaniment[s]
ackord -et -[er] 1 nu. chord 2 Överenskommelse
a) aiim. agreement, contract fød for]; b) hand.,
med kreditorer Composition; arbeta p& ** , . by
contract (»▼. the piece (job)); åtaga dg . . på
.. on a contract; erbjuda, få 50 % ~ hand.
offer (arrange to pay) a composition of 10
shillings in the pound; göra, ingå ^ hand.
make (come to) a composition, compound
with one’s creditors -era itr go» upp villkor a)
aiim. negotiate [om about], bargain [om for];
Mare argue [om about]; 6) hand., med kreditorer
compound [med with]; ~ bort, »», ut se bort*»
•to. -ering negotiating &c -s|arbete contract
work, piecework, job-work; ett ~ a
contract (piecework) job -sjavtal a) piece
contract; b) hand., med kreditorer deed of
arrangement -s[fBrslag hand, proposed composition
"S|ltfn piece wages pi. -s|prlsllsta piece-wage
rate -sjuppgBrelse se avtal
ackreditera tr 1 diplomat accredit . hos% vid to
a p. ngn (at a court ptt hor)] 2 hand, open a
credit for [.. hos at a bank en bank]
ackumul||ator accumulator; it. storage battery
-era tr accumulate %
ackusativ -en -er gram., [t] ~ [in tfce] accusatiye
-ebjekt gram, accusative object
ackuschörska accoucheuse jfr barnmorska
ackvisit||ion aijm. acquisition [för for, to]
-ions-Chef forstkr. insurance superintendent (agent)
-Br aiim. canvasser ’
adagio I adv H -t -n most adagio it. -sats
adagio movement
Adam npr Adam a-s|dräkt, i in the garb of
nature a-s|&ppie anat. Adam’s apple
add|jend *ve» *»er addendnm ut. -era tr add
[up], »▼. cast up [figures »iffror]; absol. tr. do
[addition] sums; till add [on]
addition addition -s|fel mistake in [the] adding
up -s|tabell -s|tai addition table (sum)-s|tecken
plus (positive) sign
adekvat a adequate, equivalent
adel -n O bord noble birth; tdeihet nobility:
(klass) the nobility (noblesse tr.; i Engl.
peerage); vara av gammal belong to the old
nobility -s|brev charter (patent) of nobility
-s|dam noblewoman; av. titled lady, lady of
rank -s|kaiender peerage-book; t ^n i Bngi. in
Burke(Debrett^’s Peerage] -skap
nobility -s|man noble[man]; tr. (: simpel titled
gentleman, gentleman of rank -s|m6te
Congress of the NobUity -s|släkt noble (titled)
family -s|stind Ethe] [Estate of the] NobUity
adept -en -er adept; nyboijare tyro
aderton råkn eighteen -de räkn eighteenth
-[rie]del eighteenth [part] -hundra eighteen
hundred — i sms., jfr: född [dr] nittio . . in
eighteen [hundred and] ninety; på
nittiotalet in the eighteen nineties -hundratal, pd
r*et in the nineteenth century; *»ets England
nineteenth century . . -&rig -årlng -års- se
uppslagsorden -årtg eto.
adjektiv -et -[erj adjective -attribut adjective
attribute -Isk a adjectival, adjeotive -Iskt
adv. adjectivally, adjectively
adjungera tr add .. to the Board (&c); [med
sig~\ co-opt
adjunkt -en -er skoi. ’adjunct’, [2nd division |jßr
ss. mots, lektor]] assistant master [al a State
secondary school]; akad. (fotr) associate
professor; Q>o«tor«]<v t Engi. curate-s|hefattnlng
-ur ’adjunctship’, assistant mastership &c
adjutant aide[-de-camp] [hos to], A. p. O. (pl.
aides-de-camp, A. D. C.’s) -s|plats
aide-de–campship; adjutancy
adjd I interj good-bye; i högre sta farewell,
adieu; tr. good day (morning &o); #v/
good-bye! ~ med digI bye-bye! take care of
yourself 1 o/ sd långe! good-bye for the
present! so long! II oboji. s farewell, adieu;
säga <v dt, taga ~ av ngn say good-bye to a
pM bid a p. good-bye
adl||a tr ennoble bUdi.; raise .. to the
nobility (i Engi. peerage); t Engi. »▼. create .. a
peer (&▼. peeress) (el. [om lågadel] make .. a
baronet (knight; &y. lady)) -lg a noble; jm. &▼.
aristocratic (high-born) [name nam»]; tr. [be
▼ara] of noble (titled) family; ~ krona,
vapen nobleman’s coronet (coat of arms);
upphöja . . i stånd it. raise . . to the
administration administration; poiit. sr.
executive [government]; under ~ hand, in the hands
of a receiver -ativ a administrative;
executive; på väg t Engi. by [an] Order in Council
-atlvt adv administratively &c; jfr it. föreg, ord
ex.; organisera »v». . in an administrative senée
-ator -atör administrator -era tr administrate
-ering administration
admonition admonition, caution
ad notam lat., taga .. ^ take . . to heart
Adolf npr Adolf; hist. Adolphus
adopt||era tr adopt -ering tr. adoption -iv|barn
adopted child -ivjförftldrar pi. adoptive parents
-iv|land tr. country of one’s adoption
adress -en -er address »▼. pout.; utanskrift tr.
di-rection; framkomma till sin ~ om paket o. d. reach
uppslagsordet O saknar plär. ~ pl. och sing. Uka F fiunijjilrt
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