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(1964) [MARC] Author: Walter E. Harlock - Tema: Dictionaries
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— 18 —


anpart share, [pro]portion ; (att betalt) tr. quota
anpass||a tr adapt (tr. suit) [.. efter to] -a sig
refl adapt (salt) oneself [efter to] -ning
adaptation -ningsjfØrmåga tr. adaptiyeneøs
an|rik a . . of anoient lineage
anrik||a tr concentrate -ning concentration
anrop call; mil. challenge; 40. hail; 1 telefon call
[np] -a tr cail [ont to . .]; mil. challenge; is. *ja.
hail E&y. a taxi en bli]; l telefon cail.. up; bøn.
fuia call upon [a p. for . . ngn om ..], implore
(make an appeal to) [a p.’s charity ngns [-barm-h&rtighet],-] {+barm-
h&rtighet],+} invoke [the help of God Gnd om
bj&ip] -ande t 0 calling See; invocation [av
of the Muses sånggudinnorna] -ning se anrop
-nings|håll, inom within hail
an||rycka itr advance; komma *\*nde be
advancing (coming down upon one) -ryckning
advance -rätta tr prepare, cook (ei. dress)
-rättning [~or] 1 .rtttande preparation,
cooking See 2 konkr. (: rått [tr. biidi.D dish; måltid
meal (repast, fare) [provided]; göra heder dt
f^ama do justice to the viands on the table
ans -en 0 (: ~ och värd) care, tending; sårs, tv.
jordens dressing; htsts grooming; trtdc pruning;
(: ~ och rykt) språkets cultivation, purification
-a tr tend, see to; dress (Sec j tr ans); cultivate
ansats a) aum. (: boijan) start, tr. beginning,
incipience; 6) sport, run (ei. spring ei. jump ei.
push-off) ft. ex. take a run for one’s jnmp t&
för hoppet; running jump hopp med «v; standing
jump (jump from rest) hopp ntan <v; make a
spring gøra ; get a good push-off a bra <n/]; c)
impels impulse (prompting) [till to (towards)];
d) teoken sign (trace) [ti/2 of improvement [-förbttt-sing];-] {+förbttt-
sing];+} e) foraok attempt (effort) [till at]; f) sn».
(: ton~J) striking of a (the) note
ansatt a, vara ~ av gikt be afflicted with (be
a victim to) [the] gout; hårt /v absoi. hard
pressed, .. in a tight comer
anse tr 1 mena, håiia före think (consider, be of
opinion) [that the time has (is) come to . .

tidén rara, att tidén tr inne att. .] 2 betrakta [. . såsom]
consider [the matter settled saken argjord; it [to
be]-best (suitable) to [inf.] det [rand but, [ror}
lämpligt att . .; a p. ono’s friend ngn som sin rftn],
regard (look upon) [it as a privilege (out of
the question) det som en förmån, orimligt; a p. as
one’s friend ngn som sin rtn], tr. think [a p.
miserly ngn för girig], lbl. put (set) [a p. ngn] down
[for a rascal rara en skojare]

Exempel: (1) hur gammal r^r du henne varat
how old do (should) you think she is (take
her to be)? jag mig böra betala I consider
(believe) I ought to pay; man -vr numera
all-månt, att. . it. it is now very generally held
. .; förr har man r^tt, att . . formerly the idea
was . people used to think . .; han <^s reta
aut he is thought («i. supposed) to . .; D.
komma att argå D. is thought likely
(expected) to . .; vad ~r du om saken? what view do
you take of (how do you regard) the matter?

(2) spelet ansågs förlorat är. . . was given np
for lost; jag <vr det ej klokt «**. . I don’t
think it is wise [to inf.]; om det lämpligt
if it is considered (deemed) suitable; hur är
han *\>dd i, biand . , t how is he regarded ..?
what is he thought of ..?
anse||dd a respected [family f&mnj],.. [highly
synnerligen] looked up to, esteemed; eminent; tbi.
noted, distinguished; en man, skola, tidning a
. . of high standing (repute); väl <v ,. of good
repute; tr. respected (See «e oran); ilia .. of
evil repute -ende 0 la) rykte reputation
[have the reputation of being .. ha som, att
rara; have a great reputation as a scholar (for
learning) ha stort som retenskapsman, Mr ltrdom];
Annae, skolas år. standing, prestige (good name)
[för for]; b) aktning esteem — stå högt i, i
högt /v hos . . stand high in [a p.’s]
estimation; ha dåligt hos .. år. be in bad odour
with . . 2 sken appearance; giva sig av att
vara lärd »r. pose as (make believe to be) a
man of learning 3 htnsyn, jfr ex.; i till..
a) i betraktande ar considering, in consideration
of .having regard to ..; b) betrtnknde
regarding; c) på grund ar owing to . ., on aooount of
. .; utan till person without respect of

ansenlig a aum. considerable; &r.good(fair)-sized,
large, largish; tr. goodly (F tidy) [number
antal] -t adv considerably; med folk F a
biggish crowd [of people]
ansikte -t -n face; u»i. (jfr anlete) countenance
— Herren vände titt till dig bibi. the Lord
lift np his countenance upon thee; bli lång i
»*t pull a long countenance (face);; han blev
lång i tr. his countenance (jaw) fell; bli
röd i ts*t go red in the face; ha solen * <vt. • in
one’s face; se ngn i /vt look a p. in the face;
[not be able to ej kunna] meet a p.’s eye; skratta
ngn mitt i <vf laugh in a p.’s face (right out
at a p.); slå [fi//] ngn i <vt slap (ei. hit) ap.’s
(a p. on the) face; säga ngn [ngt] mitt i
tell a p. [a th.] [straight] to his face (straight
out); tvätta sig i wash one’s facie; . . med
[ett] blekt, rött, stort ~ tr. pale-(red-, big-)
-faced ..; stå »v mot med •. stand faoe to
face with ..; tr. face . .; finna sig stå ot mot
med svårigheter o. d. tr. find oneself (that one
is) up against (confronted with) . .
ansikts||behandling face massage -bildning [cast
of] features; physiognomy; en folkstams facial
type -drag pi. features, lineaments -färg oolour
[of the face], complexion -mask mask [for the
face]; mkt. samt ror fabriksarbete o. d. tr. face-guard
-muskel -nerv facial muscle (nerve) -roe itk.
erysipelas of the face -smärtor pi. se
-värk-uttryck expression [of the (one’s) face]; . . med
bedrövat . with ([a p. ngn] of) a sad
countenance -vinkel facial angle -värk
face–ache, neuralgia
ansjovis -en -ar anchovy; kou. tr. tinned sprats

uppslagsordet 0 saknar plnr. - pl. och sing. lika. F fkmiQäit

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