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— 211 —
(D) om jag saken rätt äv. as (so) far as I can
make out; det år mer än jag kan ~ äv. that is
beyond me; har du vad jag menar? av. do
you catch my meaning? ha lätt (svårt) [för] att
~ vani. be quick (slow) of comprehension
fat 11 lad a lugn composed, collected -as dep 1 ej
forefinnaa [tillräckligt av] be wanting (lacking), be
short; tryta be deficient, fall (run) short; vara
borta be missing; behövas be wanted; vad som ~
honom i kunskaper . . what he lacks in . .; det ~
mig pengar a) (därtill) I have not got (I lack, I
am short of) the means [for it]; b) (Jag har ont
om . .) I am short of money; c) (jag bar blivit av
med . .) I am short of some money fi had]; det
ännu en kron» there is still fa shilling] wanting
(ei. missing); hon, klockan ~ tio minuter t sex it is
(ibi. it wants) . . to six; det ~ ännu tio minuter,
innan tåget går it still wants . to the departure
of the train; det -odes honom ej mod he was not
wanting (lacking) in courage; ingenting ~ på
bordet, att göra min lycka fullständig nothing IS
wanting det ~ {-odes) bara, att jag skulle ../
that would be the last straw if I were (for me)
to inf.! det -odes bara! äv. well, really (I never
[did])! well really, what next? 2 felas, vara t fatt]
med se ex ; vad ~ dig? what is the matter [with
you]? det ~ mig ingenting there is nothing the
matter with me, äv. I am all right -a sig refl
1 se sansa sig 2 uttrycka sig se ex.; för att mig
kort to put it briefly, to make a long story
short -bar a comprehensible [för to (el. by)]; äv.
conceivable [reason anledning]
fattig a 1 eg. [mote, rik] Q) poor [på [Jfr ned. /] in
ideas idéer]; b) medellös impecunious, penniless;
C) som blivit utarmad impoverished, ot~
poverty–stricken; d) behövande indigent, needy; e) om
Jordmån, ämne poor, a*, meagre; f) ss. pred .s|fylln.
*v. deficient (lacking) [på in]; poorly off [på for
funds pengar] — folk, ~a poor people; rika
och rich and poor; de a the poor; en ~ a
poor man; ett -hjon a pauper; »
omständigheter äv. poorly off; hans språk är ~t his
language (style) is bald (meagre); dehadet~t,detär
~t för dem they are poorly (badly) off (in
poverty-stricken circumstances); han ser
riktigt ~ ut he looks very much out at elbows 2
friare (: stackars) poor; (: nsel) miserable: (: ringa,
obetydlig) paltry; efter ~ förmåga to the best of
my feeble powers; fem kronor a paltry five
bob (F); en stackare a poor (miserable) wretch
-begravning pauper funeral -bössa poor-box,
poor’s box
fattigdom -en 0 a) aiim. poverty fpå in, of];
b) armod penury, indigence; nödstäiidhet
destitution; c) underhaitighet, torttignet poorness
(meagre-ness) [på in]; d) so. social företeelse pauperism;
e) brist deficiency [på in, of], lack [på of],
dearth [på of ideas idéer], want (starkare
destitution) — leva i [stor, yttersta] be living in
[great (extreme, abject)] poverty (penury);
råka t ~ be reduced to poverty, become
impoverished -s| bevis biidi. confession of
fattig|lgård workhouse -hjon förr workhouse
inmate; friare pauper -hjälp charity doiefs] -hus
poor-house Jfr -gård -kassa poor-relief fund
-kvarter poor-class district, slum -lapp pauper;
en som ]ag F a poverty-stricken devil . .
-läkare poor-law (parish) doctor -man poor man;
~s barn fa] poor-man’s child (pl. poor-people’s
children); Jfr bam ex. [ordst.] -t adv, möblerad,
klädd . . furnished (dressed) in [a]
poverty–stricken style (fashion); friare shabbily
furnished (&c); ha det se futtig 1 ex. -understöd
[parish] poor (outdoor) relief; nyare public
assistance -vård ^en 0 a) eg. (absti > bem. poor
[-law] relief, public assistance, b) *> [styrelse
— falla ~-en till last come on the parish
fattigvårdslldirektör superintendent
relieving–officer -föreståndare master of a (the)
workhouse (&c) -inrättning indoor-relief institution
-inspektör -konsulent poor law relief (&c)
inspector (advisory officer) -lag, —en ung. the
Poor-Law Amendment Act -nämnd
public–assistance authority -styrelse public-assistance
committee; i Engi. board of [poor-law]
guardians -syss’oman superintendent relieving
officer -väsen se fattigvård a
fattning -en [-ar] 1 med pi. a) sport, hold (grip,
clutch) [om round (ei. of)]; b) «e in~; c)
Hctera-turhist. version 2 utan pi. o) upp^
comprehension Jfr -s\förmåga; b) självbehärskning
Self-poS-session(-command); lugn composure; behålla
~en retain one’s self-possession; äv. keep one’s
countenance; bringa ngn ur, beröva ngn ~en
put a p. out of countenance, discompose
(disconcert, confuse) a p., äv. c förarga ngn) put a
p. out; förlora ~en, bringas ur ~en iose one’s
self-command (one’s bead), be (get)
disconcerted; återvinna ~*>en recover one’s self-possession,
regain command of (over) oneself -s|förmåga
[powerfs] of ] apprehension (ei. comprehension);
äv intelligence, capacity; det går över hans
that is beyond him (his [powers of]
comprehension); ha god, dålig ~ se fatta (D) sista ex.
fatöl draught beer (ale)
faun -en -er faun -a -an -or fauna [adj. faunal]
favor||isera tr favour; show partiality towards;
treat . . with special (marked) favour;
patronize -it ~en ~er favourite; äv. pet; vara [stor]
~ hos ngn be a [great] favourite with a p. (of
a p.’s); han är allas he is everybody’s (a
universal) favourite — i sms. allmännast favourite
[author ^författare; dish ~rätt], ibi. &v. pet
[phrase ~uttryck] -it| system favouritism
favör aiim. favour; förmän advantage; tül ngns ~
a) (: ngn tin godo) [balance saido] in a p.’s favour;
b) fbe vara] to a p.’s advantage
fe -[e]n -er aiim. fairy; ibi. fay
feb’er -ern [-rar] aiim. [a high (slight) hög, lindrig;
a touch of en ai&ng av; have (contract (catch a)
ha, fä] fever [during fever under ~; in fever
*si title-word 0 no pl. - pl. same as sing. F oolloquial
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