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— 231 —
f ortplantn i n gsd rift
-folk ancient people -forskare antiquarian,
archaeologist -forskning antiquarian
(archaeological) investigation (research) -fynd
antiquarian (archaeological) find -grav ancient
grave -kunskap archaeology -lämning, [fasta]
~ar ancient monuments -minne, ancient
monuments (memorials) [and relics of the
past] -minnes|förening archaeological
(antiquarian) association -nordisk a (-nordiska
språk) Old (äv. Ancient) Scandinavian -norsk a
(-norska epråk) Old Norse -romersk a Ancient
Roman -sak archaeological relic (specimen);
&v. antique -skriftsällskap, Svenska ~et the
Early Swedish Text Society -språk ancient
language -svensk a (-svenska språk) Old Swedish
-sägen ancient legend (&c) -tid prehistoric
period (age); ~en äv. antiquity; i en avlägsen
1 den grå ~en in a dim and distant past, in
[a] hoary antiquity -tida a ancient -åldrig a
fors -en -ar 1 eg. bet. allm. rapid[s pl.]; äv. shoot,
chute; vattenfaiisiiknande cataract, [water]fall
2 friare o. biidi. stream, torrent, cascade; [av biod]
gush -a itr rush, race; äv. go rushing (racing)
[fram along]; friare [om blod o. d.] gush; regnet
~de ned the rain came down in torrents -färd
descent of a rapid (the rapids)
forsk||a itr search [efter for]; absoi. carry out (on)
(äv. do) research[-work] (researches); ~ i
inquire into, investigate -ande a [ande, blick]
inquiring; prövande [ögonkast] searching -are
investigator [i of]; friare (: vetenskapsman) scientist,
scholar -ning ~en ~ar a) aiim. [scientific
vetenskaplig] investigation [i into (on, [-respect-ing)];-] {+respect-
ing)];+} inquiry [t respecting (as to, into)]; b)
vetenskaplig äv. research[-work] (äv. : <*~>ar)
[i upon], study [i of]; l vidsträckt bet. (: vetenskap)
science [advance science föra -»–en framåt];
geografisk exploration -nings|resa exploration
expedition -nings|resande explorer -nings|resultat
result of the (an, a p.’s) investigation (&c)
fors|||a tr transport (convey, carry, remove) [. .
in a cart i, på kärra; by rail på Järnväg] — (med
beton, part.) bort carry (&c) away, remove;
~ fram carry (&c) . . on (el. up [till to]); ~
undan convey . . out of the way, remove -ing
carriage, transportation, conveyance, haulage
forst||mästare [lowcr-course] certificated forester
-väsen [forests and] forestry; forestry
1 fort [å] -et - mil. fort
2 fort [o] adv, allt ~ still
3 fort [o] adv A as. adv 1 huvudbet. Q) 1 snabbt
tempo [t. ex. springa, leva] fast; ibi. [utveckla sig]
apace; b) snabbt, på kort tid quickly 0 talspråk
quick; äv. speedily) [as speedily (&c) as
possible -^ast möjligt]; c) raskt expeditiously,
rapidly; d) skyndsamt, 1 [all] hast hastily; e) »närt
[t. ex. hur ~ kan han vara bär?] SOOn — komma
~arc fram get there quicker (el. earlier); jag
sprang det ~aste jag kunde . . as fast as ever I
could (at my topmost speed); det gick ~ för
honom it was a very quick business for him;
det går inte [så] ~ för mig att inf. äv. I must
take my time about . .-ing; ~ som tanken,
blixten [as] quick as thought (lightning); låt
det gå mind you are (äv. you will have to be)
quick about it! tidén går ~ äv. time flies; det
går ~ att glömma it does not take long [to
forget] 2 (om klocka) w ex., gå för ~ be fast ß
quick! sharp! C så ~ [som] directly, as
(so) soon as [ever] -a Sig refl om klocka [be
inclined to viij a] gain
fort||bestå itr continue [to exist] -bestånd
continued existence, continuance; äv. perpetuation
-bildning further training -bildnings|kurs
continuation course [of instruction &c] (ei. class)
fort|ifara itr a) (: fortsätta) continue [att inf. to inf.
(el.. .-ing)], go on [ott inf. . .-ing]; b) (: hålla i)
keep on [[med] att Inf. . .-ing]; c) (: räcka, vara)
äv. [jfr a] last; d) (: framhärda) persist [med, i in]
— hur länge skall detta få how long is this
[to be allowed] to go on (continue, keep on)?
-farande I a continuing; fortsatt continued;
varaktig lasting II adv still; jag tror att. . äv. I
am still of [the] opinion ..; det är ~ .. äv. it is
[just as hot (just the same) lika varmt, på samma
sätt] as ever; it keeps [windy blåsigt]; klockan
ringer ~ äv. [the bell] keeps on ringing (going
F); rider du äv. do you keep up your riding?
-färdig a (äv. : ~ av sig) quick at (about) things
(one’s work); nimble, spry -gå itr aiim. go on;
-sätta äv. continue; -skrida äv. proceed; på detta
sätt kan det inte få ~ things must not [be
allowed to] go on like this -gående a continued
-gång ~en 0 [further] progress, ~ utan avbrott
continuation, continuance; under samtalets etc.
~ during the further progress (course) of ..
fortifikation -en 0 a) fortification; b) se -s\kår
-s|kår, ~en i Engi. the [Corps of] Royal
Engineers -sj officer i Engi. officer in the Royal
fort||komst —en 0 persons advancement, progress
-komst|ledamöter pi. f legs -körning, t& böta för
~ . . for exceeding the speed limit -leva itr
survive (äv. om sedvänja); live on -levande a
existing, surviving -löpa itr rim on, continue
[to run]; om studiekurs go on, rim, proceed
-löpande a [kommentar o. d.] running; utan avbrott
[föredrag] continuous; (följetong] Serial; [serie]
fortplantl|a tr 1 eg. (om människor, djur, växter)
propagate, reproduce 2 friare o. bildl. o) [anlag, sjukdom]
transmit (hand [. .] down) [. . på, till to]; b)
[ljus, ljud o. d.] propagate, transmit -a sig refl
aum. (äv. om ljud, ljus o. d.) propagate [oneself
(itself)]; eg. äv. breed, be propagated
(reproduced); om anlag, sjukdom be transmitted; om
rykte o. d. spread; om sägen o. d. be handed down
-ning propagating &c; propagation;
reproduction; transmission
fortplantningsdrift reproductive (propagative,
-—< title-word 0 no pl. - pi. .same as sing. F colloquial
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