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municipalize -iserlng ftv. communalization &c
-lag communal (ei. municipal) law; —ärna ung.
It Engi.] the Local Government Acts -lån
communal (&C; ftv. local) loan -manv en framstående ~
a..man in communal(&c)[-administration]
(lo-cal-government) affairs -nämnd ung. [iEngi.]
urban(&c)-district council -politik communal
(&c [jfr -historia]) politics -skatt communal (&c)
tax (&c) -stämma commune’s (ei. ung. [i Engi.]
rural(&c)-district) meeting -t adv a)
communally; b) municipally; ftv. locally; ^ intresserad
. . in communal (&c [Jfr -historia]) matters (&c)
-tjänsteman communal(&c )[-administration] (&c
[jfr -man]) official (officer ei. [lftgre] employee);
-tjänstemännen ftv. the communal (&c) ciyil
service sing. (ftv.: —na[kåren) -uppbörd, —en the
collection of the rates (communal (&c) taxes); [i
Engi.] vani. the rate (el. [i Amer.] the local-tax)
collection -utskylder pi. communal rates and
taxes; [i Engi.] [local] rates; [iAmer.] local taxes
-val, —en [i Engi.] the municipal election[s]
-väsen, —det [the] communal(&c)-administration
(local-government) organization (ei. affairs pl.)
kommunicer||a itr (: stå i förbindelse)
communicate -ande a communicating; [kftri] connected
kommunikation (: förbindelse) communication [med
with]; utmärkta —er .. communications (ftv. [:
tåg-förbindelser o. d.] train( &c)-service[s]); vara utan,
sakna —er .. [any] means of
[intercommunication (ei. [: samfärdsel] intercourse) [med with;
titt to]; Sveriges —er ([namn pä] publikation) [a]
Swedish Railway Time-Table; ung. (i Engi.] [a]
Bradshaw[’s Railway Guide] -s|departement
pout., —et the Ministry of Communications; ung.
[i Engi.] the Ministry of Transport and the
Post Office Department -s|led se samfärdsled
-s|tabell railway[, steamboat and air-line]
time–table -sI väsen, det svenska —det the..
communications organization (ei. system)
kommuniké -[s]» -er communiqué fr.
kommun||ism poiit. (äv. : —en) Communism -ist
Communist ftv. i sms. -istisk a Communist[ic]
kommunjvis adv by communes (&c); (:en kommun
i sänder) commune (&c) by commune (&c)
kompakt I a allmännast compact; (: tät) [t. ex. [-mörker]-] {+mör-
ker]+} åv. dense; äv. (: fut och sammanhängande) [t. ex.
massa] solid; äv. [kroppsbyggnad] close-(well-) knit;
en — majoritet a compact (äv. solid).. II adv
compactly &c -het compactness &c
kompani -[e]t -er 1 mil. company 2 hand.
company; Hrr N. N. $ Komp. . . & Co. 3 friare
(:kom-panjonskap), i — med ngn [t. ex. vara, göra ngt] in

partnership with .. -chef mil. officer
commanding (in command [of a (the) company]) -vis adv
mil. by companies (&c [Jfr kommun-])
kompanjon -en -er hand, partner; ta ngn tül [sin]
— . . into partnership [with one]; bli —er vani.
go into partnership [with each other] -skap
—et 0, ~ med [enter into ingå] partnership with
kompar||ation språkv, comparison -ativ I —en —er
språkv, comparative; i — in the comparative

[degree] II a språkv, o. friare (: jämförande)
comparative -era tr språkv, compare, åv. form (ei.
give) the comparison-forms (the degrees of
comparison) of

kompass -en -er eg. (sjö.) o. friare compass; segla
(gå) efter — sail (find one’s way) by [the aid
of] the compass -dosa compass-box -hus
binnacle -nål -ros compass-needle (-rose)

kompendi|um -et -er compendium
(abridgement, summary, epitome, digest, abstract) [i
of]; [i historia o. d.] åv. concise manual [i of]

kompens||ation allm. compensation; friare äv. [t. ex.
om betyg (skoi.)] [as a som] make-weight (set-off)

— i sms. (: —S-) compensation- -era tr a)
(:gottgöra) [t. ex. ngn för ett belopp mot ett annat]
compensate; b) (: uppväga) [förluster o. d.] compensate
[for], make up for; [t. ex. de båd» kurserna —
varandra] äv. (: komplettera) be complementary to

kompetens -en Q lag. a) (•■ [domstols] befogenhet)
competence, [legal] authority, äv. capacity;
b) (: [ngns] behörighet till (el. förmåga att sköta) en
befattning) competency (competence, [legal (ei.
technically valid)] qualifications pl.) [för for];
ligga utanför ngns ~ .(om fråga o. d.) be outside ..
scope to decide (pronounce) upon -förklaring
[a] declaration of one’s being duly qualified

kompetent a a) aiim. competent [för (till) for];
b) [till en befattning] [fully (el. legally el.
technically )] qualified; äv. [t. ex. litteraturkritiker]
well–qualified, able; äv. (: skicklig) skilled [i in];
göra sig — procure (acquire) the necessary
qualifications, qualify oneself; bli förklarad — be
declared competent (duly qualified (&c))
[i in; till for] -förklarad a, vara — have been
declared etc. [jfr kompetent sista ex.]

komplement -et -[er] complement (äv. [: [-motstycke]-] {+mot-
stycke]+} counterpart) [till to (of)]; vara [som],
utgöra ett — tül åv. be complementary to
-vin-kel (geom.) complementary angle -är|färg
complementary colour

komplett I a o. II adv se fullständig[t] samt åv. (F)
futtkomlig[t], total[t] o. d. -era I tr a) (göra
fullständig) complete, äv. add (make additions)
to [. . to complete it (&c)]; [t. ex. en akademi[s
medlemsantal]] bring .. up to its full complement;
[sina förråd o. d.] replenish; b) (: göra [t. ex. sitt
bohag] fullständigare) Supplement, make (äv. [med
saksubj.] render) .. more complete (ei. [en
tavei-samling o. d.] representative); [en examen] se II ex.

— ~ varandra be complementary to each other
II itr (skoi. o. d.) complete one’s qualifications
for the examination certificate (diploma); Jag
måste ~ i latin äv... sit for a supplementary
examination (test) in .. -erande a a)
complementary; b) (: tilläggs-) supplementary -ering —en
—ar a) (: -erande) completing (&c, äv.
completion) [av of]; äv. [the] adding (&c) [av to]; [av
examen] (univ. o. d.) [a (the)] [passing of the]
supplementary examination (test) [i in]; b)
(: tillägg) complementary (ei. supplementary)
addition; (: utvidgning) amplification [av (till)

-—’ nppslagaordet O laknar plär. - pl. och ’ing. lika F familj&rt

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