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- 687 —
price, cut down prices, make a reduction; till
dagens ~ at today’s price, at today’s (the
latest (actual)) quotation; till halva ~et at half
[the] price; till ett ~ av . . at the rate of . .;
till gällande ~er at current prices (rates); till
nedsatt ^ at a reduction; till varje ~ at any
price, no matter what it costs; cost what it will,
expense no object (consideration) 2 med pi.
(: belöning) prize; (: utfäst reward; få första
be awarded (carry off) the first prize; jag ger dig
~et. . the palm; sätta ett ~ på ngns huvud put
a price upon ap.’s head; tävla om ~et med ..
contend (compete) with . . for the prize; vinna
~et win (carry off) the prize; djur som vunnit
äv. prize-animal 3 utan pl. praise jfr 2 lov
2 pris -en -er sjö. prize, capture; taga en ~ make
(effect) a capture; taga ~er make prizes;
förklara .. för god ~ declare .. one’s lawful prize;
god ~ friare fair game; ge . . till ~ åt se -giva ex.
3 pris -en -ar (: nypa) pinch [of snuff snus]; ta sig
en ~ take [a pinch of] snuff
pris||a tr aiim. praise; (: förhärliga) glorify; (:
berömma) commend; recommend (extol) [one’s
goods tina varor]; anordningarna eulogize
the arrangements; man skäll ej ~ dag förrn sol
gått ned ordst. do not praise the day tül (before)
it is over; ~ Gud sing the praise of God; ~ . .
lycklig call . . happy; ~ sin lyckliga stjärna F
thank (bless) one’s lucky star; verket ~r
mästaren biidi. the master is known by his
work -a sig refl, ~ sig lycklig consider (think)
oneself very fortunate, congratulate oneself
[[up ]ön having received .. att ha fått. .]
pris||avhandling se -skrift -belöna tr award . . a
prize (a prize to . .), reward . .
pris|besättning sjö. prize-crew
pris|fbildning ekon. formation (determination) of
prices -billig a cheap, . . worth its price (the
money), [be vara] good value -boxare (förr)
prize–boxer -domare judge [at a race på en tävling]
pris|domstol prize-court
pris||falJ fall (decline, drop) in price[s]; amer.
break -fråga matter (question) of price
-förhöjning rise (advance, increase) in (of) price[s]
pris|giv||a tr aiim. abandon (expose, sacrifice) . .
[to destruction åt fördärvet]; let . . go [to rack
and ruin]; ~ . . åt . . äv. give (deliver) .. up
to (abandon . . to [the mercy of]) .. -ande
0 surrender, abandonment
pris||hoppning sport, equestrian
jumping-com-petition -höjning se -förhöjning -index hand,
index-numbers pi. -kurant price-current(-list),
trade-list, list (catalogue) of prices -lapp
[price-]ticket(label) -lista se -kurant -luge range
(level) of prices; i olika ~n at different prices;
t detta ~ round (at) about this price
prism||a -an{-at) -or prism; i ljuskrona pendant,
drop -a|form, i ~ se -atisk -a|kikare teinoscope,
prism telescope -atisk a prismatic[al]
pris||medalj prize-medal -nedsättning reduction
of price[s] jfr 2 rabatt -nivå price-level
prisnosig a F over-nice, squeamish
pris||notering quotation of prices -nämnd jury,
judges pl.
pris|pengar pi. sjö. prize-money
pris||reglering regulation of prices -ridning
horse–riding (equestrian) competition
pris||skillnad difference in price (of prices), äv.
margin; järnv. excess fare -skjutning
shooting–competition(-match, -contest) -skrift [-compe-tition[-]essay;-] {+compe-
tition[-]essay;+} prisbelönt prize[-]essay -Stopp,
införa ~ [t. ex. för lantbruksprodukter] put ceilings
on [farm] prices -sätta tr fix the price[s] of
. . -sättning fixation of the price[s] -tagare
prize-winner, prizeman -tävlan (-tävling) prize
competition jfr idrotts-, häst- m. fi. -uppgift 1
subject for a prize essay 2 hand, statement of
prices, o-lista) quotation tariff-utdelning
[undertake the förrätta] distribution of prizes -värd a
1 (: lov-) praiseworthy (commendable) [zeal nit]
2 eg. . . worth its price
privat I a private (personal) [matter (affair) [-angelägenhet];-] {+ange-
lägenhet];+} I sms. vani. private [railway -bana;
bank -bank; pilot -flygare; fortune -förmögenhet;
interest -intresse; school -läroverk]; ~a hänsyn
private considerations; ~a utgifter personal
expenses; ~ vårdanstalt private asylum; jag
för min ~a del I for my [own] part, I for
one; för min ~a del as far as I am concerned
[I believe tror jag] II adv privately, in
private -anställd a, ~ person person in private
service -bil -bostad private car (house
(residence)) -bruk, för ~ for private (personal) use
-egendom -forskare private property (scholar
(researcher)) -gymnasium private ’gymnasium’
-hotell private hotel, äv. boarding-house -hus
private (dwelling-)house -im adv se privat II;
äv. confidentially, téte-à-tète fr. -1st pupil
prepared privately (äv. private study candidate)
[for matriculation] -lektion private lesson,
coaching; ge ~er coach, give private lessons
-liv (äv. : ~et) private life; i ~et in private life
-lärare -lärarinna private teacher, tutor -man
private gentleman se äv. följ. ord -människa
(-person) private person -rätt jur. civil law [as
treating the rights of individuals] -rättslig a
. . by (according to) civil law -sak private
(personal) affair (concern, matter) -sekreterare
private (personal) secretary -skola private
school -synpunkt private viewpoint -telegram
tin tidn. telegraphic message -undervisning
private instruction (tuition) -ändamål private
end (object, purpose), individual aim; för ~
for [one’s] private ends
privilegilje|brev charter jfr fri- -era tr aiim.
privilege; (: bevilja rättigheter) license (licence),
charter; de ~de klasserna the privileged classes
-um privilege; licence; c uteslutande äv.
monopoly jfr apoteks~
pro prep lat. pro, for; äv. per [annum år]; ~ forma
for form’s sake, as a matter of form; fem ~
mille five per thousand; ~ primo first[ly], in
. <—’ title-word 0 no pl. - pl. same as sing. F colloquial
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