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beskatta 82 besluta
beskatta to tax, to impose taxes upon (on);
(kommunalt) to rate; (taxera) to assess;
högt to tax heavily; ~ lågt to tax lightly;
de högst fde those in the highest taxation
group[s], those in the highest income brackets;
icke vara to be tax-exempt
beskattning taxation, imposition of taxes;
(kommunalt) rating, rates; (taxering) assessment;
~ av inkomst och förmögenhet taxation of
income and property; ~ens fördelning the
incidence of taxation; ~ vid källan taxation at
the source, pay-as-you-earn, P.A.Y.E.; den
höga ~en av bolag the heavy tax burden on
companies, the heavy corporate tax burden;
progressiv ~ progressive (graduated)
taxation; vara underkastad ~ to be liable (subject)
to taxation; vem faller ~på? what is the
incidence of the tax?
beskattnings|avtal taxation (tax) agreement
(treaty, convention); a Tax Agreement
concluded between France and Holland in order to
avoid double taxation; a Tax Agreement for the
avoidance of double taxation; the Swedish-United
States Tax Treaty; ~bar taxable, rateable;
fbar inkomst taxable income; ~fråga question
of taxation (kommunalt rating); ~grund basis
of taxation (assessment); ~grupp tax group;
~gräns tax immunity limit, margin of
taxation; ~lättnad taxation relief;
~myndighet taxation (taxing; rating) authority;
~reform taxation reform; ~rätt taxing power
(authority), right to tax; kommunal ~rätt local
tax power; ~synpunkt; från —.synpunkt from
the taxation point of view; ~system system
of taxation (kommunalt rating), taxation (tax;
rating) system; ~sätt method of taxation
(kommunalt rating); ~undersökning survey
of taxation, taxation survey; ~värde tax
assessment value, taxation value; ~år fiscal
year; (US) taxable year; ~åtgärd tax measure;
~ärenden taxation matters; skogliga ~ärenden
forest taxation matters
besked answer, reply; (upplysning) information;
(bud) message; (order) order, instructions
beskicka (tekn.) to charge
beskickning diplomatic representation
(representatives, mission), mission; (ambassad)
embassy; (legation) legation; (konsulat)
consulate; (tekn., operation) charging, loading,
feeding, (viss mängd) charge; Kungl. Svenska
B~en [the] Royal Swedish Embassy
(Legation) ; permanent ~ resident (permanent) envoy
(diplomatic mission); in 1614 it was provided
by a treaty between Sweden and Holland that the
two states should mutually accredit resident envoys
beskicknings|chef (ambassadör) ambassador;
(envoyé) envoy; (minister) minister; chargé
d’affaires; (äv.) head (US chief) of mission;
~område area of a diplomatic mission; ~råd
Counsellor of (to) an Embassy (a Legation);
~sekreterare; förste ~sekreterare First
Secretary of (to, at) an Embassy (a Legation)
beskjutning firing, shelling, bombardment;
en uranatom kan klyvas (sprängas) genom ~
med en neutronström a uranium atom can be
made to split under the bombardment of a
stream of neutrons
beskrivning description [of], account [of];
~s|avdelning technical editorial (editing)
office (department, division, section);
~s|-ingenjör technical writer (editor)
beskydd protection [mot from, against]; ~a
to protect, to guard, to shield; to safeguard
beskyll|a to accuse [of], to charge [with];
~ning; bevisa en ~ning to substantiate a
beskällare (avelshingst) studhorse, stallion
beskär|a (reducera) to cut [down], to pare
[down], to whittle down, to reduce; (äv.
typ.) to trim, to crop; (träd) to prune;
(förunna) to vouchsafe, to grant; he whittled
down the cost of the project; inflationary pressures
have whittled down the purchasing power of money;
~a för hårt (typ.) to bleed; ~ning cutting,
trimming, cropping, pruning
beslag (prydnad etc.) fittings, mountings;
(kvarstad) seizure, confiscation; £//— motor-car
fittings; ~ta to seize, to requisition, to
confiscate, to distrain on, to attach; to lay (place)
an embargo on; (rekvirera) to commandeer;
~ta ett fartyg to lay an embargo on a ship;
vara stagen to be under an embargo;
förvaltare av stagen egendom sequestrator; ~tagning
seizure [of]
beslut decision; (jur.) decision, decree,
judgment; (avgörande) determination; (av möte)
resolution; result; anföra besvär mot ett ~ to
appeal against a decision; ~ av offentlig
myndighet decision of a public authority; ~ för
vars giltighet Konungens stadfästelse ej erfordras
a resolution, the validity of which does not
require the King’s sanction; ~ et har fattats
å två på varandra följande bolags stäm?nor the
resolution has been adopted at two successive
general meetings; ~ å bolagsstämma
resolution passed at a General Meeting; by a
resolution passed at the General Meeting of the
Shareholders on March 29th, 1963, it was decided
that ...; to be subject to the approval of a General
Meeting; a meeting of the shareholders may
determine ...; biträda ett ~ to second (support)
a resolution; delgivande av ~
communication of a decision; därest samtliga äro om
~et ense if all [of them] are in agreement
on (are agreed on, agree to, come to an
agreement on, reach an agreement on) the
decision; därest sådant ~ icke fattas in the
absence of such decision (determination);
enligt ~ av ... in pursuance of the decision[s]
of ...; enligt stämmans ~ according to the
resolution passed at the meeting; fatta ett ~
to make (come to, arrive at) a decision, to
make up one’s mind [för att to; för to, for],
to decide, to take a decision, to resolve;
(av möte) to pass (adopt) a resolution; vid ~ets
fattande when the decision is made (taken);
överklaga ett ~ to lodge an appeal against a
decision; äga överklaga ett ~ to be entitled to
appeal against (from) a decision [of the Mixed
Commission to the Tribunal]
besluta to decide, to make (come to, arrive at,
reach) a decision [of a question]; to adopt
(come to, arrive at) a resolution; to warrant;
I am determined to do it; beslöts att (i protokoll)
resolved that; det ankommer på Konungen att ~
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