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beslutande|frihet        83        bestyrk|t

erforderlig jämkning i bolagsordningen (jur.) it

rests upon the King to decide on any

necessary adjustment of the articles of association;

~d utdelning dividend declared; ~nde organ

decision-making (policy-making) organ

beslutande|frihet freedom of decision; ~rätt

right of decision, right to decide; competence

to pass a resolution, competence to take a

decision, authority to decide a matter;

ordföranden har ~rätt the Chairman has the right

of decision, the right to decide is vested in

the Chairman; med full ~rätt fully entitled

to the right to make [their] own decisions

beslut|funktion (stat.) decision function;

~förfarande (stat.) decision procedure; ~mässig;

vara ~mässig to form (constitute) a quorum,

to be competent [to transact business, to pass a

resolution]; ej vara ~mässig to lack a quorum;

ett styrelsesammanträde med ~mässigt antal

närvarande ledamöter a board meeting at which

a quorum of Directors is present, a board

meeting forming (constituting) a quorum;

~regel (siat.) decision rule

beslå; bräd~ to cover (line) with boards, to

board [up]

besman [Danish, Swedish] steelyard

bespar|a (in-) to save; (skona) to spare; ~ade

vinstmedel undivided (undistributed,

unappropriated) profit [s], earned surplus

unappropriated ; surplus (balance of profit) brought

forward, carry-forward

besparing saving; (besparingsåtgärder)

economies, retrenchment; göra ~ar to effect


besparings|politik retrenchment policy; ~skog

(ung.) forest common, collectively-owned

(jointly-owned, community, common) forest

[area]; /~åtgärd measure of economy

(retrenchment); vidtaga /~åtgärder to adopt

economy measures

bespisja to feed; (med middag) to dine; (sjö.)

to victual; owners to victual pilots and customs

officers; ~ning feeding; rening av skolbarn

the provision of [free] meals for school


besprut|a to sprinkle, to squirt, to spray; ~ning

sprinkling, spraying; ~ningsmetoder

(jord-br.) sprinkling irrigation

bessemer|göt bessemer ingots; ~konverter

bessemer converter; ~stål bessemer steel;

~ugn bessemer furnace

bestick (rit- o. d.) set of [drawing] instruments;

(etui) case of [geometrical] instruments;

(mat-) set of knife, spoon, and fork, jfr ex.;

(sjö.) [dead] reckoning; bordsmat~ table

cutlery, tableware [of stainless steel]; (Br äv.)

canteen (set) of cutlery; (US äv.) a [six-piece]

place-setting; (äv.) table utensils, flatware;

a set of table knives, forks and spoons;

matsäcks~ picnic cutlery; ~ande adj.

seductive, insidious, specious; ~räkning (sjö.)

dead reckoning

bestraff|a to punish; (med ord) to rebuke;

~ning punishment; (i ord) rebuke; (jur.)

penalty; disciplinär rening disciplinary

punishment, reprimand

bestrid|a (ifrågasätta) to dispute, to contest,

to deny; to question; to claim; (jur.) to

challenge, to appeal against; (uttalande) to

oppose; (betala) to pay (provide cover) for;

~a en ansökan (jur.) to contest an

application; ~a ett patent to contest (attack) a

patent; ~a ett patents giltighet to contest the

validity of a patent; ~a ett anspråk (t. ex.

patent) to contest a claim; ~a (förneka) skuld

to contest a debt; ~a ngns behörighet to contest

s.o.’s authority; ~a kostnader to bear (cover,

defray) expenses; ~tf sina egna kostnader to bear

one’s own costs; ~ande; göra ett ~ande

(jur.) to make a claim; ~d (jur.) litigious

bestruk|en; ~et papper coated paper (stock),

art paper (stock); ensidigt ~et papper

one-side-coated paper; (äv.) brush enamel paper;

dubbelsidigt ~et papper two-side-coated

(double-coated) paper

bestryk|a (med hand) to stroke; (gnida) to rub;

(om vind) to sweep over (through); (med färg

etc.) to coat; (med gummi) to gum; (med

tjära) to tar; (med kalk) to whitewash;

~ning (tekn.) coating; jfr bestryka;

~nings-kniv (plast.) doctor knife; ~ningsmaskin

coating (spreading) machine

bestrål|a to irradiate, to illumine, to shine;

(med.) to irradiate; ~at sågspån (atomfys.)

irradiated sawdust

bestrålning irradiation, radiation, exposure to

... rays; ~ av polyetenplast irradiation of

polyethene plastics; akut ~ (kärntekn.) acute

exposure; ~s|anläggning radiation

(irradiation) unit

beströ to strew, to sprinkle; (fläckvis) to dot;

(med pulver etc.) to powder

bestseller bestseller

bestyrelse committee, organizing (executive,

managing) committee; B~n för Svenska

Flaggans Dag the Organizing Committee for the

Celebration of the Day of the Swedish Flag

bestyrk|a (bekräfta) to confirm [by oath];

(attestera, intyga, bevittna) to attest, to certify,

to verify, to witness; (av notariuspublicus äv.)

to notarize; (av konsul äv.) to legalize; to

authenticate; (underteckna) to sign; (stödja)

to bear out; (bevisa) to prove; signed and

delivered in the presence of; signed by ... in the

presence of us .. . both present at the same time

who at his (her) request in his (her) presence

and in the presence of each other have hereunto

subscribed our names as witnesses; ~es (jur.)

signed and delivered in the presence of ...;

(äv.) Witnesses: ...; ~es i tjänsten [attested]

ex officio, attested by (in) virtue of one’s

Office; ~a med ed to testify under oath;

we have testified under oath before the court to

the following facts concerning the alleged mentally

ill person; låta ~a en handling to have a

document (deed) attested (certified, legalized,

authenticated, verified, witnessed);

översättningen shall ~as av en auktoriserad translator the

translation is to be certified by a sworn (an

authorized, a certified) translator; ~a \bevakd]

testamente såsom äkta (vid domstol) to prove a

will; ~a riktigheten (av ett uttalande) to bear

a person out, to bear out what a person has

said; your records will bear this out; to testify

to the truth of an assertion; översättningens

riktighet f~es ... for a true translation ...; ~t

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