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intryck        384        invallnings|pump

(äv.) the Introducer of Ambassadors, the

Master of Ceremonies

intryck impression; (nedtryckning äv.)

indentation; man kan inte frigöra sig från ~et att

it is difficult to escape the impression that

intryck|a (trycka samman) to squeeze, to flatten;

to press into; ~s|kalott (tekn.) ball


intrång encroachment, trespass, interference,

intervention; derogation [of a law];

infringement [of a trade-mark]; (äv.) entrenchment;

göra ~ i patent to infringe a patent; innebära

ett ~ andra patent to constitute an

infringement of other patents

inträd|a to enter, to step into [s.o.’s place];

(bör|a) to commence, to begin, to set in;

(uppstå) to arise, to occur, to take place, to

happen, to supervene, to set in; (följa) to

ensue; ~a i ett företags tjänst to join the staff

of a company; ~a som part i målet to become

a party to the proceeding; likvidationen skall

~a the winding up shall commence; ~e

entrance, entry, admission, admittance;

(början) commencement, setting in

inträdes|ansökan application for admission;

~avgift admission, entrance-fee; (tel.)

installation (connection) charge, initial fee; ~biljett

admission (entrance) ticket; ~examen

entrance examination; ~fordringar entrance

requirements, qualifications for admission;

~prövning entrance examination; ~sökande

applicant [for admission]; ~tal inaugural

address; ~ålder entry age, age of (at) entry

inträngnings|elektrod deep penetration

electrode; ~zon fusion (binding, penetration)


intyg certificate, testimonial, voucher,

attest [a ~ ion] ; (edligt) affidavit; (åld.)

compro-bation; (överskrift ofta) TO WHOM IT MAY

CONCERN; (jur. inledn. ibland) Know all men

by these presents that ...; använda ~ i sin

reklam to use testimonials in one’s advertising;

beedigat ~ se edligt ~; Cambridge-universitetets

~ the Certificates of the Cambridge Local

Examinations Syndicate; [Lower Certificate

in English, Certificate of Proficiency in

English, Diploma of English Studies]; edligt ~

[a] sworn certificate, [a] written declaration

(statement) [made] on oath, [an] affidavit;

~ bestyrkt av notarius publicus notarial

certificate, [a] certificate certified (attested) by a

Notary Public; ~ från speditör alt varan

~åter-kalleligen avsänts certificate from forwarding

agents showing that the goods have been

irrevocably dispatched; ~ om

arbetsoförmåga certificate of incapacity for work; ~ om

förstöring (värdehandl.) cremation certificate;

~ om handelsrättigheter Certificate to

Commence Business, Trading Certificate;

utvisande gott hälsotillstånd certificate of good


intyg|a (skriftligt) to certify; (bekräfta) to

confirm, to corroborate, to bear out; (edligt)

to declare on oath, to confirm by oath; (göra

rättsgiltig) to validate; (äv.) to attest, to

testify, to witness, to verify, to affirm, to

authorize; (aid.) to comprobate; avskriftens

riktighet ~ as certified to be a true copy;

härmed ~as att this is to certify that; härmed

~a vi att ... we [hereby] certify that .. .;

~a tf ämbetets vägnar (jur.) Witness, my hand

and seal of Office [the thirteenth day of

February in the year of our Lord, One

thousand nine hundred and sixty-six];

likheten med originalet ~as certified to be a genuine

(true) copy [of the original]; riktigheten av

~vanstående ~ as (äv.) Statements correct; I

declare that the statements contained herein are

[to the best of my knowledge and belief ] true and

correct; rätt avskrivet ~a[s] True Copy; for

[a] true copy; true (correct) copy certified by;

the correctness of the copy is certified by;

J, the undersigned, DO HEREBY CERTIFY

that the following is a complete, true and correct

copy of the original document; rätt översatt ~as

correct translation [from the Swedish original]

certified by; the correctness of the translation

is certified by

intygs|avgift fee for a certificate; ~handling

certificate; (åld.) comprobatory document;

~utfärdare, ~utställare person (authority,

employer) issuing a certificate (testimonial),


intäkt (inkomst) income; (särsk. statl. o.

kommunal) revenue; (erhållet belopp) pl. receipts,

earnings, takings, proceeds; (avkastning) yield;

(förtjänst) profit, return; budgeterade ~ er

estimated revenue; ~er från räntor interest

earned; jfr arrende—er, bolags—er,

brutto-—er, drifts—er, netto—er, ränte—er,


intäkts|ränta interest earnings (receivable),

income derived from interest; ~ökning increase

(rise) in earnings (receipts, proceeds, takings,

income, revenue), gain

invalid disabled person; (vanför) cripple; (äv.)

invalid; krigsv disabled soldier, war cripple;

~bostäder dwellings for disabled persons

invaliditet disability, invalidity; fullständig ~

total disability (disablement); kronisk ~

permanent disability

invaliditets|ersättning (—understöd)

disablement (disability) allowance (benefit,

contribution, indemnity, compensation, payment,

relief); ~fond disability fund; ~försäkring

disablement (disability) insurance, insurance

against disablement (disability); (äv.) total and

permanent disability insurance, permanent

partial disability insurance; ~grad degree of

disability (disablement)

invalid|pension disability pension, disablement

annuity; ~vagn invalid car; ~vård;

Internationella sällskapet för ~vård the International

Society for the Welfare of Cripples, (förk.)


invall|a to bank up (in), to embank, to dam

[in, up], to dike, to dyke, (US äv.) to levee;

(för att återvinna odlingsbar mark) to reclaim;

~ad kanal canal on embankment; ~ning

(verksamhet) banking up (in), damming, diking,

dyking; reclaiming, reclamation; (invallat

område) diked-in land, reclaimed land; (vail)

[protective, surrounding] embankment (da.),

[retaining] dike (dyke)

invallnings|arbete reclamation work; ~pump

draining pump

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