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olöslig        608        ombudsman

non-career (honorary, unsalaried,

unremuner-ated, unpaid) consul (consular officer)

~löslig insoluble, non-soluble, indissoluble;

inextricable; göra ~ to insolubilize; ~ aska

insoluble ashes; ~a a~~färgämnen insoluble azo

dyes; ohet insolubleness; indissolubility

omadressera to readdress, to redirect, to forward

~ magnetisk non-magnetic; ~t fartyg

non-magnetic vessel; ~t tillstånd neutral state

Oman; Maskat och ~ - se Maskat; Trucial ~ -

se Trucial [Oman]

omarbet|a (bok etc.) to revise, to redraft, to

rewrite, to rearrange, to reedit, to recast, to

alter; (plan) to alter, to revise, to redraft;

(för film etc.) to adapt; (äv.) to revamp [a

play]; (konstverk) to alter; (tekn.) to rework,

to reprocess; ~ad upplaga revised edition;

~ing (bok etc.) revision, revising, redraft,

redrafting, rewriting, rearrangement,

rearranging, reediting, recasting, alteration; (plan)

alteration, altering, revision, redraft [ing]; (för

film etc.) adaptation; revised (altered) version,

revision, reedition, recast, rearrangement;

(äv.) revamping; (konstverk) alteration,

altering; (tekn.) reworking, reprocessing

ombesörj|a to attend (see) to, to provide (make

provision) for, to take care of, to arrange

[for], to manage, to effect, to execute, to do;

(sätta igång med) to proceed to; (anskaffa) to

procure|sth. for s.o.], to provide [s.o. with],

to get, to supply [with]; försäkringen skola vi

själva ~a we will attend to the insurance

ourselves; böternas indrivning to attend to

the collection of the fine [s]; försäkring av

varor to cover (effect, provide for, arrange for)

the insurance on (of) goods; förtunningen

to attend to the customs formalities; ~a

in-kassouppdrag to effect clean and documentary

collections; upptagandet av protest [the

cashing establishment shall] have the protest

drawn up; öppet förvar o~r av

notariatavdel-ningen (bank) our Trust Department offers

safe custody service, our Trust Department

handles customers’ security accounts

ombildja to convert, to transform, to turn;

ett företag till aktiebolag to convert (turn,

transform) an enterprise into a limited

company, to incorporate an enterprise; ~ning

conversion; (äv.) switchover; reshuffle;

regeerings~ning Cabinet reshuffle

omboka to reverse an entry; (äv.) to recredit;

to redebit; to reverse to the debit (credit) [of]

ombord on board; fritt ~ free on board, (förk.)

F.O.B., f.o.b., FOB, fob; (US äv.) FOB vessel;

fritt ~ i hamn free on board in harbour,

(förk.) f.b.h.; fritt ~ ångare free on steamer,

(förk.) F.O.S., f.o.s.; levererat fritt ~ delivered

free on board, (förk.) f.o.b., fob.; föra ~

to ship, to take (put) on board; ~ m|s

»Ceres» on board the M/S (M.S.) Ceres; sätta

lots ~ to put a pilot on board; vakthavande

officer ~ officer of the deck; ~konossement

shipped (on board) B/L (Bill of Lading); mot

full sats ~konossement against full set on board

[ocean] bills of lading; ~läggning (kollision

till sjöss) collision; de internationella reglerna för

undvikande av ~läggning the International

Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea; full

sats rent ~oceankonossement per ångare, 3/3 5

kopior full set comprising 3 original and 5

non-negotiable copies clean on board ocean

steamer Bills of Lading [showing consignment

to ... on behalf of . ..]; ~taga to take (load)

on board, to ship; ~tagning taking (loading)

on board; före godsets ~tagning before the

goods (iresgods luggage) comes on board

ombryt|a (typ.) to make up [into pages];

ombrutet korrektur page (made-up, make-up)

proof; ~are maker-up, make-up-man,

page-maker, pagesmaker; (äv.) impositor, clicker;

~ing making up, make-up, upmaking

ombrytnings|bord make-up stone; ofel

misplaced line; ~korrektur page (made-up)

proof; (äv.) stone proof; ~schema lay-out;


ombud representative, agent, attorney, solicitor,

deputy; (enl. fulhnakt) proxy, authorized

representative, person holding an authority;

(äv.) delegate, mandatary, mandatory,

assignee; (ibl.) on behalf of; aktieägares eller ox

namnteckning signature of shareholder or his

proxy (representative, attorney); allmänt ~

(ung.) public representative; Bankinspektionen.r

~ [Mr. Smith,] appointed by the Bank

Inspection Board; befullmäktigat ~ proxy,

authorized agent (representative), person empowered’

to act for another, duly appointed attorney,,

attorney [in fact], private attorney;

(pantvårdare etc.) trustee; lagligen befullmäktigat ~

legally empowered attorney (representative);

borgenärens ~ (vid utmätning) representative of

the execution creditor; ensamt ~ (äv.) sole

assign; genom ~ by proxy, (förk.) pp.*

p.pro., per pro., per proc.; (äv.) by authorized

agency; juridiskt ~ solicitor, counsel,

attorney, attorney-at-law, legal adviser

(representative); lagligt ~ legal representative; ~ets laga

åtgärder godkännas (jur.)|undertake to allow,,

ratify, and confirm everything my said attorney

shall legally do by virtue of these presents;

Sveriges Ständiga O~vid Förenta Nationerna

the Permanent Representative of Sweden ta

the United Nations; till bekräftelse härav hava

respektive ~ för de två legeringarna undertecknat

detta protokoll in witness whereof, the respective

representatives of the two Governments have

signed the present Protocol; vi ha utsett honom

till ~ vid konferensen we have appointed him

[as] delegate to the conference; jfr annons~,

borgenärs~, fackförenings~, företags o5

försäkrings~, försäljnings~, patent~, platso~

presso, skyddso

ombuds|arvode (engageringsarvode) retaining fee,

retainer; ~konto agent’s (agency) account

ombudsman (hos bank, stad etc.) solicitor

[hos-to, of]; (hos bolag äv.) company (US

corporation) lawyer; legal adviser [of a company,

of a corporation]; general (standing) counsel;

syndic; (jur. äv.) legal representative (adviser),

counsel, attorney; caretaker; custodian,

fiduciary, trustee; (konkursförvaltare) official

receiver, assignee; (hos organisation etc.)

secretary, organizer, organizing secretary; (pari.)

Parliamentary Commissioner; (Br äv.)

’ombudsman’; 0~nen för Näringsfrihetsfrågor; se

näringsfrihetsfråga; jfr fackförenings~, justi-

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