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tidsbefrakta 996 tidtabells|bok
tidsbefrakt|a to time-charter, to charter [on
time charter]; the ship shall not he chartered out
on time charter for more than a period of two (2)
years; ~are time charterer; ~ning time
tidsbegräns|ad limited in time, for a limited
period [only], of a temporary nature; ~ at
arrendeinnehav tenancy for [a certain number
of, five, ten, twenty-five, etc.] years;
~tf*/parkering time limits on parking; ~at samtal
limited duration call; ~at stabiliseringsmedel
transitory stabilizer; ~are time limiter; ~ning
time limit; utan ~ning without a time limit
tids|beräkning chronometry; ~besparande
time-saving; ~besparing time saving;
~beställd; ~beställt samtal fixed-time
(appointment) call; ~beställning appointment
tidsbestäm|ma to date; ~ dförsäkring fixed term
insurance (assurance); ~t straff fixed term [of
imprisonment], imprisonment for a specific
(specified) term; ej ~t straff indeterminate
sentence; ~t dömda personer persons sentenced
to serve a definite term; ~melse dating;
indication of time; (villkor) date term
tids|bomb time (delayed-action) bomb; ~brist
lack of time; på grund av ~brist owing to
pressure of business; ~bunden dependent
on (influenced by) [certain] tendencies of the
times [concerned]; ~bundna konton fixed
deposits, fixed-period (fixed-term) accounts;
~certeparti time charter; ~effekt time effect;
sekundär ~effekt secondary time effect;
~ekvation equation of time; ~enhet unit of
time; ~enlig in keeping (tune, harmony,
conformity) with the times, up-to-date;
(modern) modern; (rationell) rational, efficient,
scientific, expedient, reasonable; systematic;
icke ~enlig out-of-date, outdated;
~exponering time exposure; ~fixerad; ~fixerat samtal
(tel.) fixed time call; ~frakt (sjö.) time freight;
~frist time-limit, deadline, term, period,
[space of] time, appointed (given, specified)
time, fixed date; (uppskov) respite, delay,
grace; extension of time; ~frist för accepterande
time allowed for acceptance; ~fördelning;
födelsernas ~fir delning birth timing;
~fördröjning time lag (delay); relä med ~fördröjning
relay with time limit release; ~försäkring
time policy; ~försäkringspolis time policy;
~gräns time limit; (äv.) deadline; dröjsmål
utöver nämnda ~gränser delay beyond the said
time limits
tidsignal time signal; ~generator; elektronisk
regenerator time signal set; ~kula time ball
tids|inställd timed; ~inställd bomb; se ~bomb;
~inställning timing [mechanism],
time-setting; adjustment of time lag; delayed-action;
~in ställnings anordning timing
(delayed-action) device; ~intervall time interval;
~konstant time constant
tidskrift periodical [publication], publication,
(särsk. US) magazine; (äv.) journal, review;
aktuell ~ [a] topical magazine; [a] magazine
of current (present) interest; böcker, ~er och
tidningar books, periodicals (US äv. magazines)
and newspapers; Kungl. Skogs- och
Lantbruksakademiens T~ the Journal of the Royal
Swedish Academy of Agriculture and F
orestry; Pedagogisk T~ the Journal of
Education; periodisk ~ periodical; Statistisk ~
Statistical Review; T~ för Svensk Antikvarisk
Forskning (Fornvännen) the Journal of Swedish
Antiquarian Research; vetenskaplig ~ scientific
periodical (journal), journal of science;
populärvetenskaplig ~ popular science magazine
tidskrifts|aktiebolag [magazine] publishing
company; Lantbruksförbundets T~ AB, LT
the Publishing Company of the Federation of
Swedish Farmers’ Associations;
Lantbruksförbundets T~ AB Korrespondensskola, L.T.K. the
Correspondence School of the Publishing
Company of the Federation of Swedish
Farmers’ Associations; ~avdelning
Periodicals Department; ~förteckning periodicals
register (checklist); ~index periodicals
subject index; ~katalog catalogue of periodicals;
~litteratur periodical literature; ~läsesal
magazine room, periodicals [reading] room;
~papper magazine paper; ~rum se ~läsesal;
~samlare magazine file; ~utgivareförening
association of the periodical press
tidskrivare time recorder; timekeeper
tids|multiplex time division multiplex;
~observation time observation; ~plan
(program-plan) time-table, schedule, time plan
(schedule); (annonsinfiringsplan) date plan; ~ re
inburs acceptance credit; ~serie time series;
~studera to time-study, to time
tidsstudie, ~r time [and motion] study (studies),
motion (work, time-motion) study (studies);
jämförande ~s comparative time studies;
~avtal time-and-motion-study agreement; ~bräde
time study observation board; ~chef time
study supervisor; ~handbok
motion-and- time-study manual; ~ingenjör time study
engineer, time-and-motion-study engineer;
~man time study man, timer,
time-and-motion-study expert; (US äv.) efficiency
engineer; (äv.) work study observer, time
study keeper; ~metod time study method;
~principer timestudy fundamentals
tidsstämpel time stamp (recorder)
tid|strö m]ställare timing switch, time-switch,
clock relay; elektronisk ~ electronic timer
tids|uppdelad time-divided; ~uppställning
(sjö.) time-sheet; ~utdräkt waste of time;
då upplysning om hans adress kan inhämtas utan
väsentlig omgång eller ~utdräkt when information
as to his address is obtainable without undue
difficulty or waste of time; ~utlösning time
release; ~vinstersättning (vid lossning och
lastning av fartyg) dispatch money; ~åtgång
time expenditure (required for, taken,
tid|sättningskurva time-settlement curve;
~tabell timetable, guide; (US äv.) [train]
schedule, folder; jfr ~tabellsbok; grafisk ~tabell
(tåg) graphic timetable, train diagram; (med
i förväg fastställda tåglägen) theoretical graph
[of train running]; (med verkliga tåglägen)
actual graph [of train running]; ändra
~tabellen för ett tåg to modify a train schedule
tidtabells|bok working timetable; (järnv.)
railway (US railroad) timetable (guide); (Br t. ex.)
ABC Railway Guide; Murray’s ABC
Timetable; (Br tidig.) Bradshaw’s ~ Official] Guide,
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